Myths Olympians Greek Gods
People had questions No answers since there was no science Created stories to explain the phenomena rising & setting sun, stars, crops growing What is a Myth ?
Myths are... Handed down from generations 3,000 years old The religion, science and literature of primitive people What Myths do you know? Most famous myths are Greek & Roman
The Titans titenes ("straining ones") Cronus Father of Olympians Cursed by his father Ate his children
Titans Rhea : wife of Cronus Mother of Olympians Saved children with Zeus
Cronus and Rhea give birth to the Olympian Gods
The Gods live on Mount Olympus
The Olympian Gods in Greek and Latin
Zeus / Jupiter Ruler of Mt. Olympus God of the Sky Lighting rod Husband to Hera Player
Hera / Juno Queen of Heavens & Stars Goddess of marriage & fidelity: June Wife to Zeus Jealous
Poseidon / Neptune God of the Sea, rivers, springs, floods, and earthquakes Carries Tridents Created the Horse
Hades / Pluto God of the Underworld, Home of the Dead Jealous of brothers Wealthy Rides Chariot with Black Horses
Demeter / Ceres Goddess of Fertile earth and agriculture Her crops feed mankind Cereal comes from “Ceres”
Hestia / Vesta Goddess of Hearth, Home & Family Didn’t want to be a Goddess Watches the fire on Mt. Olympus
Dionysus / Bacchus God of Wine, Vegetation, Fertility and Theater Freeing one from one's normal self, by madness, ecstasy, or wine Balance between madness and normal
Hephaestus / Vulcanus Son of Zeus & Hera God of Fire & Craftsmanship Married Aphrodite Lame: kicked off Mt. Olympus Volcano
Ares / Mars Son of Zeus & Hera God of War & Slaughter Coward/ Jealous/ Creates trouble Aphrodite’s lover
Persephone / Prosepina Daughter of Zeus & Demeter Goddess of Underworld & Spring Renewal Married to Hades She is the reason we have 6 months of winter & 6 of summer
Aphrodite / Venus Goddess of Beauty, Love, Sexuality Born of the Sea or from Zeus Married Hephaestus She started the Trojan War
Apollo / Phoebus Son of Zeus & Leto God Music, Medicine, Archery, Healing Twin of Artemis Took care of man Vain
Artemis / Diana Daughter of Zeus & Leto Goddess of Hunt, animals, forest, and young girls Twin to Apollo
Hermes / Mercury Messenger of Gods God of Travelers, Shepherds, Thieves Brother to Apollo Stole his cattle
Athena / Minerva Goddess of War, Education, Wisdom, crafts weaving Born from Zeus head Araneid or Arachnid means spider
Credit Special thanks to Rory Sideman, English teacher extraordinaire at Franklin H.S. for providing this Power Point.