Viking Gods and Goddesses By Emma Horner
Viking Gods and Goddesses The Vikings had lots of myths and the most popular are about gods and goddesses. There were 3 main gods called Odin, Thor and Freyja. Despite having over 20 gods, Viking people could worship about 5 maximum. Read on to find out more about the Viking Gods and Goddesses. Fun Fact The Viking Gods lived in a mythical place called Asgard.
Odin, God of War, Poetry and Magic The God Odin is the king of the Gods and Goddesses. He’s the God of War, Poetry and Magic. His wife was the motherly Frigg and their son was called Balder, who was kind and gentle. At the age of 19, by a trick, Loki, the mischievous God, caused the death of Balder. Fun Fact Odin’s name was named after the day Wednesday.
Freyja, Goddess of Love and Fertility The Goddess Freyja was the 2 nd lead Goddess of the Gods and Goddesses. She’s the Goddess of love and fertility. Amazingly, in Viking times the sister would marry the brother and Freyja married her brother, the God Frey. Freyja wept golden tears when she was upset. Frey’s and Freyja’s sacred animal was the Boar. Fun Fact Freyja’s name was named after the day Friday.
Thor, God of the Skies, Storms and Thunder The God Thor was the 3 rd lead God of the Gods and Goddesses. Thor was the God of the Skies, Thunder and Storms. Thor and Loki absolutely hated each other. He was armed with a magic hammer, belt and iron gloves. People absolutely adored Thor, but hated Loki, the “mischievous” trickster god. Fun Fact Thor’s name was named after the day Thursday.
Loki, God of Tricks Loki was related to Odin, the king of the gods, and hated everyone. He caused the death of Balder, Odin’s son, and never regretted it. His wife was called Sigyn and they had a huge amount of kids. Loki is referred to as the father of Vali in the Prose Edda. Loki is a shape shifter and in separate incidents he appears in the form of a salmon, mare, seal, a fly and possibly an elderly woman. Fun Fact Loki was a joker and friend to the Gods especially Odin, although he was not to be trusted.
Freyr, god of Fertility Freyr was one of the most important gods even though he wasn’t one of the head gods. He was specially associated with Sweden and seen as an ancestor of the Swedish royal house. His sister was Freyja,Goddess of love and fertility. Amazingly, in Viking times, you could marry your own brother and sister, and Frey married his own sister, Freyja. Fun Fact Frey was seen as one of most important gods.
Valkyries, Goddesses of the Skies Valkyries were one of a host of female figures who choose those who may die in battle and those who may live. Selecting among half of those who die in battle. Valkyries also appear as lovers of heroes and other mortals, where they are sometimes described as the daughters of royalty, sometimes accompanied by ravens, and sometimes connected to swans or Horses. There would be up to thirteen Valkyries at a time. Fun Fact When a Viking died bravely in battle, Valkyries would carry them over to Valhalla, Viking heaven
Frigg, Goddess of Marriage and Motherhood Frigg was Odin’s wife and Balder’s mother. She was the goddess of marriage and motherhood. She has the power of prophecy, but she does not tell what she knows. Frigg’s mother isn’t known in the stories that have survived into the present day. Amazingly, Thor is actually her step-son. Fun Fact Frigg has a massive 8 children