清平调 Tune of Clarity and Serenity By Li Bai 李白 ( ) Translated by Xu Yuan-Zhong Recital by students in Level 4 class of The UN Chinese Language Programme
Tune of Clarity and Serenity 云想衣裳花想容, 春风拂槛露华浓。 若非群玉山头见, 会向瑶台月下逢。 Her face is seen in flower and her dress in cloud, A beauty by the rails caressed by vernal breeze. If not a fairy queen from Jade- Green Mountains proud She's Goddess of the Moon in Crystal Hall one sees.
Tune of Clarity and Serenity 一枝红艶露凝香, 云雨巫山枉断肠。 借问汉宫谁得似, 可怜飞燕倚新装。 She is a peony sweetened by dew impearled. Far fairer than the Goddess bringing showers in dreams. Who could equal her in palace of ancient world? Not e'en the newly-dressed "Flying Swallow," it seems.
Tune of Clarity and Serenity 名花倾国两相欢, 长得君王带笑看。 解释春风无限恨, 沉香亭北倚栏杆。 The lady fair admires and is admired by the flower, The sovereign would gaze upon them with a smile. She leans on balustrade north of the Fragrant Bower, The longing of Spring Wind she knows how to beguile.