Greek Mythology Lecture #1 A brief preview of what we will learn this semester!
What is Myth? Derived from the Greek word mythos meaning “word,” “speech,” “tale,” or “story.” May be written or spoken, but could also be conveyed through painting, sculpture, music, dance, or theatre Stories that have been handed down through many generations Myth is a term for stories primarily concerned with the gods and humankind’s relations with them. Myth is intertwined with religion.
The Olympian Gods
Zeus (Jupiter) Epithets- aegis-bearing, high thundering, cloud gathering, – Epithets- A term used to characterize a person or thing King of the gods, god of the sky, weather, and justice Attributes- Lightning bolt, aegis, oak, eagle Son of Cronos and Rhea
Poseidon (Neptune) Division of Cosmos: Sea Epithets- earth shaker, Savior of sailors, Bull of the sea God of water, earthquakes, and horses Associated with the Trident Son of Cronos and Rhea Married to Amphitrite Rough, stern, and ferociously violent Hades (Pluto ) Division of Cosmos: Underworld Epithets- Unseen one, Zeus, Chthonius, Polyxenos, Necron Soter Dis/Pluto, Ploutos- “wealth” God of death and the dead Took Persephone as wife Passive rather than evil
Demeter (Ceres) De + meter = mother earth Deo, Ceres= Cereal Goddess of Agriculture, harvest, fertility of the earth Attributes: torch, sheaf of wheat, poppy, cornucopia Daughter of Cronos and Rhea Mother of Persephone Hera (Juno) Queen of the gods, wife of Zeus Goddess of women, marriage, and childbirth Epithets- ox-eyed, white- armed Peacock Daughter of Cronos and Rhea
Athena (Minerva) Epithets- Nike, Ergane, Hippias, gray- eyed, bright-eyed Goddess of war Powers and skills- Wisdom, severe moral earnestness, weaving Virginity= untamed power Daughter of Zeus and Metis Aphrodite (Venus) Goddess of love, beauty, sex, and procreation Power over all living creatures, including the gods Associated with swans, sparrows, doves, and dolphins Judgment of Paris Mother of Eros (Cupid)
Apollo God of prophesy, the arts, archery, young people, healing, and plague Epithets- far-darter, Phoebus Attributes- wreath and branch of laurel, bow and quiver, raven, and lyre Artemis (Diana) Bringer of sudden death Goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and wild animals Virgin, goddess of young people (esp. women) and childbirth Twins of Leto and Zeus
Hermes (Mercury) Dionysus (Bacchus) Epithets- Logios, psychopompos God of travelers, boundaries, luck, shepherds and cowherds Known as and Inventor and trickster Associated with winged sandals, caduceus Led souls traveling to the underworld Messenger of the gods Son of Zeus and Maia Epithets- Giver of many joys God of vegetation, the vine, wine, revelry, and ecstatic release Innate wildness of humanity Associated with Thyrsus, leopard, drinking cup and fruit vine Son of Zeus and Semele Known as the “foreigner”. Was not an original Olympian, replaced Hestia
Ares (Mars) God of war and battle Brutal, strong, “divine swashbuckler” Hotheaded Affair with Aphrodite Son of Zeus and Hera Hephaestus (Vulcan) Epithet- The lame one Divine artisan, god of fire Created items of importance Thrown of Mt Olympus Husband of Aphrodite Son of Zeus and Hera