Well-developed Paragraph Tutorial Hello! My name is Connie the Computer, and I am going to help you write a wonderful well-developed paragraph. You will move through this presentation at your own pace. To move forward, click the “Go forward” button. To move back, click on “Go back.” When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
It is VERY important that you follow the directions. NEVER move forward until you have read everything. If you don’t follow directions, you are showing you are not mature enough to work independently. Some students have a tendency to ask the teacher for help every 5 seconds when the information is right there in front of them. Don’t do that. When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
Here is your prompt for your Well-Developed Paragraph: Greek gods and goddesses are known for many things, but one of the fascinating things about them is their ability to be so human. Just like us, they were jealous (think about Hera—always spying on Zeus; or Hephaestus, old and ugly, married to Aphrodite, the beautiful goddess of love—no wonder he was always jealous!); they would easily get upset and then seek vengeance (Athena and Hera who were offended by the fact that Paris chose Aphrodite as the most beautiful). Even though they were gods, they still showed human character traits. Write a well-developed paragraph in which you describe what human character trait your god/goddess is known for? How did he/she show this trait? In what story does he/she show these traits? When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
The first thing you should have done was written your Topic Sentence (from last night’s classwork/homework). It should look something like this: The main character trait of _______, god/goddess of _______, was ________. I have decided to write about Eros, the god of love. Here is my example: The main character trait of Eros, god of love, was his mischievousness. When you have written or fixed your Topic Sentence to look similar to this, raise your hand for your teacher. When your teacher says it is okay, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
The next thing you need to do is find your first quote. This quote should be an example of some part of the Topic Sentence. When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
Here is a paragraph from the myths book that tells me a lot about what Eros was like: This information tells me Eros was a mischevious trickster. When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
VERY IMPORTANT: When you quote something, you have to pick the best, most informative words from the book. Don’t quote unimportant words, but don’t skip the most important words. When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
Here is what I mean about picking just the right words. I am only going to use the underlined words, because those are the words that really prove that Eros was a trickster: When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
Keep these two things in mind when you look for a quote: Pick a quote that shows the god or goddess DOING something. Do not pick a quote that straight-out tells you the character trait, like “she was a kind goddess.” Only use the most important and helpful part of the quote. Don’t quote too much of the book. When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
Now, look at the quote you chose. Make sure your quote: Has enough information (that you have enough of the quote) Has the god/goddess DOING something. When you have found a strong quote, put your finger on the words in the book and raise your hand for your teacher. When your teacher says your quote looks okay, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
The next part of the paragraph is the Intro Quote. The rubric says this: This means you have to tell the reader a little bit about your god before you write your quote. Your reader might not know anything about your god or goddess. When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
Here are the words from the book again, and below that is my Topic Sentence and Introduce Quote Sentence: When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
After I write my Intro Quote, all I have to do is add my quote. When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
Now, write YOUR Intro Quote and Quote sentences. When you are done, raise your hand and ask your teacher to check your work. She is going to be looking for this: your Intro Quote sentence must tell her everything she needs to know for your quote to make sense. When your teacher says your Intro Quote and Quote sentences are okay, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
The next step is Commentary 1. This is what the rubric says: When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back You really have to stay connected to your character trait AND your quote.
Here is my example: When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
Notice how I directly connect back to my topic sentence by repeating the character trait? When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
Now, write Commentary 1. When you are finished, have your teacher check your work. When your teacher says your Commentary 1 is okay, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
Now it’s time for Commentary 2. This is how it is graded: Commentary 2 deepens and extends the thinking you showed in Commentary 1. You have to look even more deeply at your quote. Go forwardGo back
Here is my sample Commentary 2: Go forwardGo back When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.”
Notice I have actually re-used important words from the quote. I have “re-quoted” the quote! Go forwardGo back When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.”
Now, write your Commentary 2. When you are done writing it, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
The last step is to write the Concluding Sentence. Here is how it is graded: Go forwardGo back This is your chance to end with a bang. Write something very intelligent and impressive! When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.”
Here is my example: Go forwardGo back When you are done reading every word on this page, click “Go forward.”
Now, write your Concluding Sentence. When you are done, click “Go forward.” Go forwardGo back
And now you’re done! Make sure you type it up into paragraph format and display it on your poster board. It was splendid getting to know you! Bye-bye! Click to end