Medusa: The Goddess of Destruction and Sexuality
Medusa’s Family Tree Pontos Stheno Euryale Medusa Ceto
The Legend of Medusa Blessed with natural beauty which made Athena jealous Caught in Athena’s temple with Poseidon who raped her
The Legend of Medusa Punished by Athena: - with a head full of snakes - power to turn people & things to stone by a look in the eye Killed by Perseus
Medusa’s Death Athena told Perseus to kill Medusa He cut her head off without looking at her Athena’s hand guided him He gave Medusa’s head to Athena
Medusa’s Line Goes On At death, her sons Pegasus and Chrysaor are said to have sprung out of her neck Chrysaor and Pegasus remained close to the other Gorgons
Interesting Fact Medusa was the only mortal Gorgon, however, she was the most powerful of them all.
Medusa’s Lair