By: Sarah Boward
What is Troy Ithaca went to war with this country a
What is ten years Ithaca was at war for this many years
What is the Trojan horse Ithaca was able to win the war because of their plan with this
Who is Penelope and Telemachus Before the war, these two people gave Odysseus hope of coming back home
What is none This many crew members, not counting Odysseus, made it home after the war
Who is Telemachus Odysseus’s son
Who is Anticlea Odysseus’s mom
Who is Polyphemus Poseidon’s son
Who is Penelope This person was told to marry someone else if Odysseus was not back before his son grew a beard
What is one Odysseus had this many children
Who is Polyphemus The Cyclopes that meets Odysseus greek-mythology-movies-yell- magazine%E2%80%99s-editor- picks/23622/
Who is Charybdis The Whirlpool irlpool+in+the+odyssey&um=1&hl=en &sa=N&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4ADR A_enUS418US418&biw=1920&bih=94 1&tbm=isch&tbnid=MiWLx7FjXJBVEM :&imgrefurl=
Who is Scylla Multi- headed monster &nord=1&rlz=1T4ADRA_enUS418US418&biw=1920&bih=941&tb m=isch&tbnid=blq6QWB_Grqv3M:&imgrefurl= p:// YT7W9HdKE0QHSybyiCg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=10&sig= &page=1&tbnh=121&tbnw=137&start=0&nds p=56&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0,i:145&tx=54&ty=55
Who is the Sirens The not so monstrous singers who would reel you into you death.
Who is Poseidon Technically a God, this “monster” made Odysseus have such a hard time getting home
Who is Calypso The Goddess that lives on the island of Ogygia
Who is Aeolus The God of the winds
Who is Circe The Goddess of magic (a nymph)
Who is Helios The God of the Sun
Who is Athena The Goddess of Wisdom
What is the Land of the Dead Place where Odysseus meets Tiresias
What is Ithaca Odysseus’s home country
What is Thrinakia Island that Odysseus’s men ate the forbidden Cattle
What is Sicily Home of the Cyclopes
What is Italy The Laestrygonians lived in this country
The amount of years Calypso kept Odysseus as a captive What is…