Greek Mythology
The Olympians The Olympians- The 12 Main Gods of Ancient Greek Religion Greek religion was polytheistic They lived on Mt. Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece The Greeks also believed in demigods Half god and half human
City-States Each city-state worshipped certain gods that they believed protected their city Cities would build temples and hold festivals to honor their god City-StateGod Athens & SyracuseAthena SpartaAres and Artemis OlympiaZeus CorinthPoseidon Thebes & DelphiApollo ArgosHera RhodesHelios
Oracle Oracle- Someone that could speak the messages of the gods Pythia, the Oracle at Delphi, was the most well-known Pythia only gave prophecies the seventh day of each month Other oracles include Dodona and Trophonius
The Olympic Gods
Zeus (Jupiter in Roman Mythology) King of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus God of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order and justice Symbols: Thunderbolt and eagle Married to Hera
Hera (Juno in Roman Mythology) Queen of the gods Goddess of marriage and family Symbols: Peacock, crown, and lion Wife of Zeus
Poseidon (Neptune in Roman Mythology) God of the seas, earthquakes, and tidal wave Symbols: Dolphin and trident Married to the Nereid Amphitrite
Demeter (Ceres in Roman Mythology) Goddess of fertility, agriculture, nature, and the seasons Symbols: Wheat and torch
Athena (Minerva in Roman Mythology) Goddess of wisdom, defense, and strategic warfare Symbols: Owl and olive tree The city of Athens is named for her
Apollo (same in Roman Mythology) God of light and dark, knowledge, healing, the arts, music, poetry, archery, the sun, and beauty Symbols: the sun, bow and arrow Twin brother of Artemis The NASA Apollo program was named after him Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to walk on the moon on Apollo 11
Artemis (Diana in Roman Mythology) Goddess of the hunt, archery, the moon, and all animals Symbols: the moon, deer, snake, cypress tree, and bow and arrow Twin sister of Apollo.
Ares (Mars in Roman Mythology) God of war, violence, and bloodshed Symbols: Dog, vulture, spear and shield His Latin name, Mars, gave us the word "martial”
Aphrodite (Venus in Roman Mythology) Goddess of love, beauty, and desire Symbols: Dove, apple, bee, swan, and rose Married to Hephaestus
Hephaestus (Vulcan in Roman Mythology) God of fire Craftsman of the gods Symbols: fire, anvil, axe, and hammer Married to Aphrodite His Latin name, Vulcan, gave us the word "volcano."
Hermes (Mercury in Roman Mythology) Messenger of the gods God of commerce, thieves, and games Symbols: caduceus (staff entwined with two snakes), winged sandals and cap, stork, and tortoise The second-youngest Olympian, just older than Dionysus
Hestia (Vesta in Roman Mythology) Goddess of the hearth, architecture, and family She was born into the first Olympian generation and was one of the original twelve Olympians. Some lists of the Twelve Olympians remove her in favor of Dionysus Oldest sister of Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, Hera, and Zeus.
Dionysus (Bacchus in Roman Mythology) God of celebrations and theatre Symbols include the grapevine, ivy, cup, tiger, and panther Married to the Cretan princess Ariadne The youngest Olympian god, as well as the only one to have a mortal mother
Other Gods Hades (Orcus) - God of the Underworld Heracles (Hercules) - Symbolizes strength and courage Eros (Cupid) - God of love and beauty. He was the son of Aphrodite and. He was depicted often as carrying bow and arrow Nike- Goddess of victory Phobos- God of fear The word “phobia” comes from this god
Trading Cards Assignment In social studies, you will create trading cards for at least 3 Ancient Greek gods Grades will be based on creativity and accuracy of information This will be an informal grade Each card must include: 1)The name of the god or goddess 2)A picture or symbol that represents their job 3)A minimum of 5 facts about each god or goddess
Trading Cards Assignment In order for you to get the index card to begin making the final product (the trading card you will turn in), you must complete a rough draft Checkpoint on Tuesday 2/24! I will be checking to make sure you have started your rough drafts on at least three cards Flash Cards due Thursday 2/26
Trading Cards Template Front 1)Your name 2)The name of your god/goddess 3)Picture of god or image that represents your god Back 5 (or more) Facts: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Front Back Like a basketball card, you have the name of the player, the team the play on and usually their # and position On the back, you have additional information: stats, college attended, awards, height, birthday, etc.