Universe Titans Gods
Titans Cronus
Olympus and Underworld Olympus Underworld
Gods and Godesses Zeus was the Supreme God in Ancient Greece, father of the Olympian gods and ruler of mankind. Zeus was carefree and loved to laugh out loud. He possessed the perfect knowledge and was just, merciful and prudent. Zeus was strong and imposing, with long, oftentimes curly hair. The main symbol of Zeus was the thunderbolt, which was as a gift from the Cyclopes because he liberated them. His sacred animal was the eagle.
Hera The mature goddess of the family. Hera was born by the Titans Cronus and Rhea and was one of the three sisters of Zeus and later on became his wife. Hera was in conflict with the semi-god and hero Heracles, since he happened to be the son of her husband Zeus and a mortal woman. According to a myth, Zeus once brought the infant to Hera so she can breastfeed him while she was asleep, but she suddenly woke up and pushed him away. The drops of the spurting milk became the Milky Way. Hera's symbol was the pomegranate, a symbol of fertility, and her sacred animal was the peacock.
Poseidon Poseidon was the God of the Seas, the horses and the earthquakes Poseidon, the Greek god of the Seas, was born by the major Titans Cronus and Rhea. He was an older brother of Zeus, the King of the gods. Poseidon was considered to be the bad-tempered, moody and greedy god among the Olympians. Poseidon was imposing and strong with long, blue hair. His symbol was the trident and his sacred animals were the dolphin and the horse. According to a tradition, he was the one who breathed life into the first horse on earth.
Phoebus Apollo Apollo was the Olympian God of the Sun, the Light, the Music and the Prophecy Apollo was born by the King of the Gods Zeus and the mortal Leto in the divine Greek island of Delos. He was the younger twin of Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. He invented the lute, but most popular he was for his playing the lyre, which was invented by Hermes, the messenger of the gods. Apollo excelled in important music contests, competing against Greek god Hermes and the Satyr Pan as well as other deities. Apollo was a handsome, strong and youthful god with impressive golden hair His symbols were the lyre, the tripod, the laurel tree and the navelstone.
Pallas Athena
Hades Hades was the God and Ruler of the Underworld. Greek god Hades was a son of the titans Cronus and Rhea. Hades' wife was Persephone, he abducted from her divine mother Demeter and took with him down to the Underworld. Hades had gloomy features. He had a beard and dark hair falling over his brow. His sacred symbol was the helmet, which helped him stay invisible
Artemis Artemis was the Greek goddess of the Hunt and the Moon and protector of expectant women and the young. She was Zeus’s daughter and Apollo’s sister. Artemis was usually armed with bow and arrows and was wearing a knee-high chiton Her symbol was the bow and her sacred animals were the snake and the deer. Artemis was both a killer of wild animals and their protector
Aphrodite Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beautiful. She was always depicted as a beautiful young women. Daughter of Zeus and Dione. She was known to be born from the foam of the sea. Most men married or not were in love with her and wanted her as his wife. She punished and didn’t protect people who didn’t believe in her power and didn’t think she was strong enough to be a god. After taking a lot of men from ther relationships Zeus decided to make her get married to a mortal named Anchises and had to children Aeneas and Lyrus.
Hermes Hermes was the child of Zeus and Maia. When he was first born he escaped from his craddle and stole from Apollo. One of his characteristics was being a theif and very sneaky. To prevent from being caught Hermes started wearing sandals to hide his footsteps so noone knew it was him stealing. He was asigned to be a messager because he was so sneaky he can get from Olympus to the Underworld with no problem. He is known to be the one who invented the alphabet, numbers, ect. He believed he can give people incredible dreams that would have a big impact on their lives and it was simple for him to take it away.
Gods and Goddesses Ares (Mars) Hephaestus Hestia(Vesta) Ares was the god of was. He was the son of Zeus and Hera. Ares was a very strong man who was always ready for a fight and to protect at any cost. Who ever tried to be with Aphrodite was killed shortly by Ares cause he wanted her to himself. Hephaestus was the god of fire. He was also the son of Zeus and Hera. He didn’t like his mother cause she didn’t find him fit to be part her family and dropped him from Olympus. Goddess of the hearth. Daughter of Cronus and Rhea. Apollo and Posiden wasnted her hand in marriage. Promised on the head of Zeus that she will always remain a virgin.
Gods and Godesses Eros Hebes Eros was the god of love. Son of Aphrodite and also can be the son of Ares. He brought harmony and peace everywhere he went to stop all the chaos. Is known to be the creator of greek poets. Was liked by mostly everyone and would help anybody in need. Hebes was the daughter of Zeus and Hera. She was the minsters of all gods. Was married to Heracles. She acted as a mother to her brothers and everyone who needed a to be treated with love. She was a very respected women.
Two Great Gods Demeter Dionysus Demeter was the daughter of Kronos and Rhea. She was the sister of Hestia, Hera, Aides, Posiedon, and Zeus. She was the goddess of agriculture. Demeter had a daughter named Persephone who was traded of to Pluto by Zeus. She searched for her daughter for 9 years. She never forgave Zeus and never returned to Olympus. Dionysus was the god of wine and festivity. He was the son of Zeus and Semele. After being born Zeus gave Dionysus to Hermes to protect him from Hera. Zeus later had to turn him into a ram so he can carry him to mount Nysa without any question. When Dionysus grew up Hera found him and drove him into a state of madness and let him wonder earth till someone came to save him.