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Calcutta is a famous city of India. It is placed in the north of Bengal. This city was chosen by English people to be the capital of the Indian colony. In 1912 the capital was moved near Delhi, and New Delhi was born. In Calcutta there is a famous palace called “The Victoria Memorial”. This is very beautiful and big. This city is also important because Madre Teresa of Calcutta lived there. She was born in Skopje, in Macedonia, in She was born in a Albanian from a catholic family, and, when she was 18 years old, she entered the religious order of Madonna of Loreto. She was a novice in Dublin and then she was sent to Calcutta. In 1946, the Pope Pio XII gave her permission to live out of the monastery. She took care of poor children and she founded the new order of missionaries of Charity. In 1979 she received the Nobel Price for Peace. She died on 5th September Madre Teresa of Calcutta became one of the most famous people in the world. The Victoria Memorial in Calcutta Madre Teresa of Calcutta St Paul’s Cathedral in Calcutta Return to homepage
The Ganges is an important river of India. This river flows through the Bengal’s gulf. It is rich of water because it is flowed by big mountains glaciers and by rains. It is also very long. In the opinion of Indus, the Ganges has also a religious meaning and it is considered sacred. It is adored by Hindu and they considered it to be the goddess “Devi”. The Indus bathe in the river because they believe that they can have the purification of sins. The Indus believe that with this sacred bath souls go to the sky. Many Indus family keep a bottle of water of Ganges in their houses. They also believe that the water of Ganges cure illnesses. Olds Writings tell that the water of Ganges bring blessings to Vishnu, one of the three fundamentals divinity worshipped by Indus. The Indus having the bath. The Ganges and its tributaries The Delta of Ganges Return to homepage