Olympians Ann Epifanzeva F-21
O lympians
Z EUS JJupiter SSupreme god of the Olympians SSon of the Titans Cronus and Rhea
Poseidon Neptune God of the sea Brother to Zeus and Hades
Hades Pluto God of the dead Brother to Zeus and Poseidon
Demeter Ceres Sister of Zeus Goddess of agriculture
Hera Juno Juno Sister and wife of Zeus Sister and wife of Zeus Goddess of marriage Goddess of marriage
Ares Mars The god of war Son of Zeus
Venus Venus She is born from the foam of the sea She is born from the foam of the sea Goddess of love Goddess of love
Hephaestus Vulcan Son of Zeus and Hera God of fire and crafts
Athena Minerva Daughter of Zeus and Metis Goddess of wisdom and science of war
Olympians Ann Epifanzeva F-21