Nordic CLARIN Network 1
What have we seen and heard? A lot of different tools Corpus tools – 3 different tools Annotation tools (automatic and manual) Other tools, chaining Speech Semantics Authentication Authorisation Access Metadata and metadata editing 2
Everything for sharing Of course sharing has its price – Documentation needed – Standardisation, harmonisation, less specific But it is worth it Slides from this meeting: send to me or to Sussi 3
Purpose (from the Call) The call “Nordic Networks on Research Infrastructures” aims to support Nordic research infrastructure networks that strengthen Nordic cooperation on a specific, large- scale international research infrastructure project, including activities to increase joint Nordic use of international research facilities; provision of resources or services; and use of e-infrastructures and knowledge resources such as collections, archives, databases, etc. 4
Purpose (from the Call) The network should build and expand Nordic competence and generate added value through exchange of experience with regard to best practice and efficient use of technologies and procedures, including potential harmonisation processes at the Nordic level. Finally, the network should aim to become a Nordic platform, thereby facilitating more coordinated Nordic participation in international research infrastructure projects. 5
Our contract Building on previous and ongoing collaborative activities in LT, the Nordic CLARIN network will work through workshops and other meetings to address issues which are central to future joint efforts: development of Nordic strategies and common models for long term sustainability, operation and use of Nordic language e-infrastructure, with a particular view to researchers in the Arts and Humanities. research-friendly copyright legislation. know-how, software and workflows for data search and analysis services. cooperation on basic language analysis methods and resources. 6
Themes – steering group Themes that would attract users (this list is the first brainstorm proposal, can still be extended) Historical sources Language on the web, social media Literature, topic-modeling (Moretti: Distant Reading, Matthew Jockers (?), Jan Rybicki, prof Mats Malm, Centre for Digital humanities, GU) Federated content search + Korp (is this a user oriented workshop or rather technical?) 7
Themes steering group cont. Annotation, the user perspective, training (maybe related to digital humanities summer school) Tools for users: Comedi, corpus search, Korp, Glossa etc Named Entity Recognition – this is both for users, and technical Visualisation (wordties, Jeffy, R etc) this should be later as we need to learn more Corpus linguistics (aiming at teachers of corpus linguistics) Creative writing – how to use language (corpus: collocations, lexica, wordnets) for teachers of creative writing 8
Themes cont. More technical themes, for internal discussions (this list is the first brainstorm proposal, can still be extended) Workflows of web services, across borders (incl. federated content search) Legal Issues (also for users) Metadata mining – towards automatic metadata creation Corpus linguistics (aiming at teachers of corpus linguistics) – may need to be prepared in a technical ws Creative writing – how to use language (corpus: collocations, lexica, wordnets) for teachers of creative writing - may need to be prepared in a technical ws 9
Discussion of this meeting Feedback Additional themes that could be taken up Martin: NeIC issue Krister, Lars: 2015 workshops Next Annual meeting Any other business 10