Is this book right for me? Five Finger Test Is this book right for me?
Why is this important? Reading requires us to do many different things. First we must decode the words. Then we must understand what each word means. Then we must use fluency to put all the words together. Finally we try to put the meaning of all the words together to comprehend what we have read. That is a lot of steps.
The Five Finger Test This method is a way to make sure any book is right for you. You can use anytime, anywhere. It is simple, easy, and it works every time!
Step 1 Open the book to the middle and choose any page to read.
Step 2 Read the page, aloud if possible.
Step 3 Put out 1 finger for every word you do not know or cannot pronounce.
Step 4 If you have five fingers out, the book is too difficult to read without help.
Step 5 If you do not get any fingers out but are reading very slowly and decoding every word, you will not enjoy this book.
Finger Guide Zero fingers – This book may be too easy for you, but if you are truly interested go ahead and read it.
Finger Guide One finger- This book is good for you. Enjoy!
Finger Guide Two fingers- This book is still a good choice for you.
Three fingers- Finger Guide This book could be too difficult for you. Are you really that interested in it?
Four & five fingers Finger Guide STOP! This book is will be too difficult for you to read and understand. Choose another book.
When we choose the right book… We know most of the words already without decoding. We understand what those words mean. We get the ideas the author is trying to share. We don’t get frustrated and struggle. We find reading an enjoyable activity!
Happy reading!