Fundamentals of Fingerprinting K nowledge of proper techniques. A wareness of good quality fingerprints, which include clarity and pattern recognition. P ractice.
Preparation Prior to recording an individual’s fingerprints on a LiveScan Unit, the operator should take a couple of minutes and perform a few pre-printing operations.
Preparation The individual being fingerprinted should stand directly in front of the LiveScan unit, approximately a forearm’s length away. The printing surface of the platen should be from 39 to 42 inches from the floor. In most cases the individual should stand to the right of the operator. This will enable the operator to control the individual’s movement. (DEMO)
Preparation The operator should not allow the person to “help” while taking the fingerprints. The person’s fingers should be held with both hands. One hand should hold the tip of their finger, while the other hand holds the middle joint of their finger. ( DEMO)
Preparation If the image appears to be too dark, check for perspiration or try using less pressure. If the image appears to be too light, increase the pressure slightly, or try using the “Optimize/Contrast” tab. If the image is still too light, use a PreScan block. (DEMO)
Recording the Images The operator will record the fingerprints in the following manner: Slaps or Plain impressions Right Thumb Right Four fingers Left Thumb Left Four Fingers
Recording the Slaps Place the Right Thumb on the Platen (DEMO)
Recording the Slaps The slaps or plain impressions should be taken as straight up and down as possible. (DEMO)
Recording the Slaps When recording the slaps, the operator should avoid “cutting” off the tops of the fingers. Ideally, you should see the impressions and the first crease.(DEMO)
Recording the Slaps The impressions SHOULD NOT look like this (DEMO)
Recording the Slaps If the individual has large hands it may be necessary to angle the fingers SLIGHTLY to fit them in the box The angle SHOULD NOT be more than 30 degrees. If the angle is too severe, this may cause false sequencing errors.
Recording the Slaps Avoid severe angles (DEMO)
T.I.F.O.T.I.F.O. Remember the acronym T.I.F.O. Thumbs In Fingers Out
Fingerprinting Techniques The Thumbs of the person being fingerprinted should be rolled In towards their body The Fingers should be rolled Out or away from their body. This movement allows the fingers to be rolled from an awkward position to a comfortable position.
Recording Rolled Impressions Position Finger on Cross Hair
Recording the Rolled Impressions After centering, rock the finger backward either right or left until the outer edge of the finger is visible. (DEMO)
Recording Rolled Impressions Rock Back on Finger
Recording the Rolled Impressions Step on the foot pedal, when you hear the beep, begin to roll the finger on the platen. Continue rolling until you reach the opposite side of the finger.
Recording the Rolled Impressions When the roll is completed, roll the finger backwards slightly. This will stop the camera. This is the Rock and Roll method. Roll the remaining fingers in this manner.
Recording the Rolled Impressions When rolling the fingers, the finger should be rolled completely from one side to the other. This technique is called Nail to Nail. Another acronym to remember is N2N
Recording the Rolled Impressions Another acronym to remember is N2N Nail to Nail. When rolling the fingers, the finger should be rolled completely from one side to the other.
Fundamentals of Fingerprinting K nowledge of proper techniques. A wareness of good quality fingerprints, which include clarity and pattern recognition. P ractice.
Recording Rolled Impressions After the finger has been rolled, the operator should be able to recognize the fingerprint pattern.
LAW Loops Arches Whorls
Awareness Square Edges Rock And Roll, T.I.F.O., N2N
Awareness Finger Placement Rock & Roll, T.I.F.O., N2N
Awareness Niblet Rock & Roll, T.I.F.O., N2N
Awareness Slippage Rock & Roll, T.I.F.O., N2N
Awareness Dalmation Effect Rock & Roll, T.I.F.O., N2N
Fundamentals of Fingerprinting K nowledge of proper techniques. A wareness of good quality fingerprints, which include clarity and pattern recognition. P ractice.
Thank You!