Finger print classification
What is a fingerprint? Finger skin is made of friction ridges, with pores (sweat glands). Friction ridges are created during fetal live and only the general shape is genetically defined
Primates also have fingerprints
So do koalas!
General Characteristics – macro- singularities Loops Whorls Arches
Tented Arch
Loops Left loop Right loop
Double loops
Type lines
Ridge lines often flow in parallel producing features called whorl, loop and delta
The ridge-line flow can be described by a directional map (or directional image) which is a discrete matrix whose elements denote the orientation of the tangent to the ridge lines.
Minutiae Minutiae play a primary role for fingerprint matching, since most of the algorithms rely on the coincidence of minutiae to state whether two impressions are of the same finger or not. Minutiae matching, which is essentially a point pattern matching problem, constitutes the basis of most of the automatic algorithms for fingerprint comparison.
Types of minutiae
Micro-singularities, called minutiae or Galton characteristics, are determined by termination or bifurcation of the ridge lines.
Fingerprint minutiae Bifurcation, ridge ending, core, delta
Fingerprint matching – finding points of correspondence
Accidental – unusual combinations
Scars produce unusual patterns
Some skin conditions can produce altered fingerprints
Twins have different fingerprints: overall pattern is similar, differ in fine details