Offline Photo & Biometric Capturing (Village level) Introduction to the Operations of Offline Photo and Fingerprint capture program
Pre Operational Requirements Download the Blank Database form Restore Database : restore blank data base with following name pattern: GRCC_Areacode ( ie GRCC_4646 etc) Create User: create a sql user : ‘grcc’ with password:‘grcc123’ Give privilege for accessing the above restored databases to ‘grcc’ user Install window application : Offline Biometric Capturing
Restore Database Restore the blank data base with following name pattern: GRCC_4646 ( AC:Area code )
Create user Select your database server, open security folder, open logins folder Right click and select New Login…
Create user Select SQL server authentication Make new login with Login name : grcc Password : grcc123 Confirm Password : grcc123 Unselect Enforce password policy Default language : British English
Create user Select your Ration Village database Open security folder Open users folder Right click and select New User…
Create user Give user name : grcc Click user … button Click Browse… Select grcc checkbox Then click ok
Create user Select the user Database role membership db_owner
Install Window application Install window Application – Offline Biometric Capturing from :
Install Window application The following Prerequisites are required: Windows Installer 3.1 .NET Framework 3.5 Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008 (x86, x64) Microsoft Visual Basic Power Packs 1.2
Set Connection string After installation following screen will required the input of SQL Server name User name Password Your Database name
Set Connection string Select your SQL server name ( Which SQL Server hold your GRCC_AC database ) Type user : grcc Type Password : grcc123 Select your database GRCC_Areacode Click on Test Connection for check your connection is made successful If connection was successful then Click on Finish button
Application at a Glance…. After installation, other way of invoking the application
Application at a Glance…. After set connection string this screen will required your User name Password
Application at a Glance…. After login successful this screen will required Login Biometric Verification Select Device (Biometric Device ) Finger
Set Area Code After successful login your Application (Biometric Data Capture : Form 1 ) first screen will come for set your Area ( this is one time process) Check your District and Taluka name Select Your Area Code Click on Save button
Set Area Code After set your area your application login screen will come Select your Area Give password : abcd@abcd Click Ok
Application at a Glance…. Application main page is look like this
Application at a Glance…. Data Menu Set Area Code Set Certifying Authority Download Data Upload Data Summery Sheet Finger Print Capture Biometric Data Utility Configure Local Database
Set Certifying Authority Click on Set Certifying Authority Capture Photo of Certifying Authority (At village level who will be available for verifing villager’s biometrics) Capture Biometric of Certifying Authority
Set Certifying Authority After Capture finger print it must be verified finger print
Download Data Click on Download Data for download data from central server to capture photo and finger print
Download Data For Downloading Data required User name and password and Biometric verification
Download Data After download data double click on row header for capture photo and biometric of client Capture screen will appear Select Select member from the list Select Finger/Thumb pair to be captured (Default thumb and small finger is in the list) If you want to more finger to capture biometric then click on More checkbox for all ten finger
Capture Biometric Data Select finger in Select Finger/Thumb pair to be captured list For Left Capture click on L-Capture after successfully capture then click on L-Verify For Right Capture click on R-Capture after successfully capture then click on R-Verify
Capture Biometric Data For Left Capture Select on list which finger you want to capture Put the finger on biometric device and click on L-Capture After successfully capture you get message “Capture Fingerprint Successfully”
Capture Biometric Data After successfully capture Click on L-Verify After Verify you get message “Verify Success “ Then successfully Capture and Verify you will see the list of Select Finger/Thumb pair to be captured show “L-Yes” or ”R-Yes” for successfully capture , “L-No “ or “R-No” for capture not to be down
Capture Biometric Data For Right Capture Select on list which finger you want to capture Put the finger on biometric device and click on R-Capture After successfully capture you get message “Capture Fingerprint Successfully”
Capture Biometric Data After successfully capture Click on R-Verify After Verify you get message “Verify Success “ Then successfully Capture and Verify you will see the list of Select Finger/Thumb pair to be captured show “L-Yes” or ”R-Yes” for successfully capture , “L-No “ or “R-No” for capture not to be down
Capture Biometric Data If you want to more finger the Click on More checkbox It will show ten finger for capture biometric data
Authority Verification After successfully capture one family member biometric data Click on Authority Verification Authority Verification required Authority biometric verification
Authority Verify After successfully Authority Verify you get message “Data successfully Certified ”
Upload Data For Upload fingerprint captured click on Upload Data
Upload Data After successfully upload data you get Data has been successfully uploaded and saved to central server
Summary sheet Summary Sheet for check your data Downloaded (Total cards downloaded from central server) Pending (Not a single member’s Finger print captured) Captured (At least one member’s Fingerprint captured) Verified (biometric verified by authority) Uploaded (Total cards uploaded onto central server)
Application at a Glance…. If you want to open ration card wise detail, click on fingerprint menu and Capture biometric data sub menu It will show capture biometric data screen Enter new bar-coded ration card number and click on search button Select family member for capture biometric and capture photo and biometric
T H A N K S… National Informatics Centre Gujarat State Unit Block No #13 2nd Floor New Sachivalaya Gandhinagar Gujarat