Elbow (HumeroUlnar) Joint and Hand Created by: Kelsey, Vonna, Jolee and Andy
Bones of the Hand …
Bones of the Wrist Trapezoid Trapezium Capitate Scaphoid Hamate Pisiform Lunate Triquetrum
Metacarpal Bones 4th Metacarpal (on ring finger) 3rd Metacarpal (on middle finger) 1st Metacarpal (on thumb) 2nd Metacarpal (on index finger) 5th Metacarpal (on little finger)
Phalange Bones Proximal Proximal Phalanx of the Thumb Proximal Phalanx Middle Finger Proximal Phalanx of the Ring Finger Proximal Phalanx of the Index Finger Proximal Phalanx of the Little Finger
Phalange Bones Intermediate Intermediate Phalanx of the Index Finger the Ring Finger Intermediate Phalanx of the Middle Finger Intermediate Phalanx of the Little Finger
Phalange Bones Distal Distal Phalanx of the Index Finger Ring Finger Distal Phalanx of the Middle Finger Distal Phalanx of the Little Finger
Radius Head of the Radius Neck of the Radius Styloid Process Radial Tuberosity Ulnar Notch of the Radius
Ulna Tuberosity of the Ulna Olecranon Process of the Ulna Styloid Process of the Ulna Trochlear Notch of the Ulna Coronoid Process of the Ulna Radial Notch of the Ulna
Humerus Trochlea of the Humerus Capitulum Of the Humerus Olecranon Fossa of the Humerus Coronoid Fossa of the Humerus Medial Epicondyle of the Humerus Lateral Epicondyle of the Humerus
Muscles of the Elbow and Forearm Biceps Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Scapula - Long head: supraglenoid tubercle; short head: coracoid process Radial tuberosity of radius Elbow flexion, forearm supination Musculocutaneous nerve Brachial artery
Muscles of the Elbow and Forearm Triceps Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Long head: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula - lateral head: inferior to greater tubercle on posterior humerus - medial head: posterior surface of humerus Olecranon process of ulna Elbow extension Radial nerve Deep brachial artery
Muscles of the Elbow and Forearm Brachialis Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Distal half of humerus, anterior surface Coronoid process and ulnar tuberosity of ulna Elbow flexion Musculocutaneous nerve Brachial artery
Muscles of the Elbow and Forearm Brachioradialis Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Lateral supracondylar ridge on the humerus Styloid process of radius Elbow flexion Radial nerve Radial artery
Muscles of the Elbow and Forearm Coracobrachialis Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Coracoid process Medial aspect of humerus Weakly adducts shoulder joint Musculocutaneous nerves ; C6, C7 Brachial artery
Muscles of the Elbow and Forearm Supinator Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Lateral epicondyle of humerus and adjacent ulna Anterior surface of proximal radius Forearm supination Radial nerve Recurrent interosseous artery
Muscles of the Elbow and Forearm Pronator teres Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Medial epicondyle of humerus; coranoid process of ulna Lateral aspect of radius at its midpoint Forearm pronation, assistive in elbow flexion Median nerve Ulnar artery
Muscles of the Elbow and Forearm Pronator quadratus Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Distal fourth of ulna Distal fourth of radius Forearm pronation Median nerve Anterior interosseous artery
Muscles of the Wrist and Hand Flexor carpi radialis Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Medial epicondyle of humerus Base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpals Wrist flexion, radial deviation Median nerve Radial and ulnar arteries
Muscles of the Wrist and Hand Flexor carpi ulnaris Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Medial epicondyle of humerus Pisiform; base of 5th metacarpal Wrist flexion, ulnar deviation Ulnar nerve Ulnar artery
Muscles of the Wrist and Hand Extensor carpi radialis longus Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Supracondylar ridge of humerus Base of 2nd metacarpal Wrist extension, radial deviation Radial nerve Radial artery
Muscles of the Wrist and Hand Extensor carpi radialis brevis Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Lateral epicondyle of humerus Base of 3rd metacarpal Wrist extension Radial nerve Radial artery
Muscles of the Wrist and Hand Extensor digitorum Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Lateral epicondyle of humerus Base of distal phalanx of the 2nd - 5th fingers Extends all 3 joints of the fingers Radial nerve Recurrent interosseous artery
Muscles of the Wrist and Hand Extensor carpi ulnaris Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Lateral epicondyle of humerus Medial side of base of 5th metacarpal Extends and adducts wrist Deep radial nerve Ulnar artery
Muscles of the Wrist and Hand Flexor digitorum superficialis Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Common flexor tendon, coronoid process, radius Sides of the middle phalanx of the 4 fingers Flexes MP and PIP joints of the fingers Median nerve Ulnar artery
Muscles of the Wrist and Hand Flexor digitorum profundus Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Upper ¾ of ulna Distal phalanx of the 4 fingers Flexes all 3 joints of the fingers Median and ulnar nerves Ulnar artery
Muscles of the Wrist and Hand Flexor pollicis longus Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Anterior surface of radius Distal phalanx of pollex (thumb) Flexes all joints of the pollex (thumb) Median nerve Radial artery
Muscles of the Wrist and Hand Abductor pollicis longus Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Posterior radius, interosseous membrane, middle ulna Base of the 1st metacarpal Abducts pollex Radial nerve Posterior interosseous artery
Muscles of the Wrist and Hand Extensor digiti minimi Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Lateral epicondyle of humerus Base of distal phalanx of 5th finger Extends all joints of 5th finger Radial nerve Recurrent interosseous artery
Muscles of the Wrist and Hand Extensor pollicis brevis Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Posterior distal radius Base of proximal phalanx of pollex Extends MP joint of pollex Radial nerve Posterior interosseous artery
Muscles of the Wrist and Hand Extensor pollicis longus Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Middle posterior ulna, interosseous membrane Base of distal phalanx of pollex Extends MP and IP joints of pollex Radial nerve Posterior interosseous artery
Muscles of the Wrist and Hand Palmaris longus Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation: Vascular supply: Medial epicondyle of humerus Palmar fascia Assistive in wrist flexion Median nerve Ulnar artery
Our Elbow and Hand Allow Complex Movement Such as…
The Ligaments, Bursae, Cartilage, and Articular Capsule of the Elbow Joint and Hand Ligaments Of the Elbow Ligaments of the Hand Articular Capsule Cartilage Bursae Articular Capsule Synovial Membrane Fibrous Layer Subtendinous Olecranon Bursa Articular Cartilage… Ulnar Collateral Ligament Radial Collateral Ligament Subcutaneous Olecranon Bursa Radial Annular Ligament Interosseous Membrane Palmar Aponeurosis Flexor Retinaculum Common Flexor Sheath
Site of the Median Nerve Tendon of Palmaris Longus Surface Anatomy Anatomical Snuff Box Cubital Fossa Hypothenar Eminence Lateral Epicondyle Distal Wrist Crease Medial Epicondyle Radial Styloid Process Ulnar Styloid Process Thenar Evidence Olecranon Process Tendon of Flexor Carpi Radialis Site of the Median Nerve Tendon of Palmaris Longus
Clinical Concerns: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Compression of the median nerve. mixed nerve that provides sensation to thumb, index, middle and middle –finger side of the ring fingers. Causes pain, tingling and numbness Cause: Swelling or thickening of lining of the tendons in your carpal tunnel. Repetitive use or injury-keyboarding, use of powertools, pinching, gripping etc. Fluid retention due to pregnancy Other Risk Factors: Sex, Heredity, health conditions (ie: diabetes, obesity, arthritis) Treatment: Wrist splinting, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, physical therapy Surgery Prevention: Reduce force and relax grip, frequent breaks, improve posture, watch form, keep your hands warm.
Clinical Concerns cont’: Tennis Elbow (lateral epicondylitis) Overuse injury caused by repeated contraction of the forearm muscles. Causes: Stress to tissue results in inflammation or tiny tears of the tendons that attach the forearm muscles to the bone outside your elbow. Repeated use of backhand stroke with poor technique- common motions: hammering, painting, raking, weaving……..playing tennis. Signs and Symptoms: Pain that radiates from the outside of elbow to forearm and wrist. Pain when you touch or bump the outside of elbow Pain when you extend your wrist A weak grip, painful grip when during certain activities like shaking hands or turning a doorknob Treatment: anti-inflammatory drugs, ice, rest, PRICE, exercises, corticosteroids, braces. Surgery: (1 in 10)- trimming inflammed tendon or re-attachment.