How to use Notebook(TM) software Learn helpful tips and tricks for developing and presenting lesson activities. Teacher Notes Subject: Language arts Topic: Sign language Title: American Sign Language Grade(s): 2, 3, 4 and 5 Cross-curricular link(s): Health Intended learning outcome(s) To introduce students to the American Sign Language alphabet To teach students how to read and finger-spell To provide Internet resources to further refine skills and knowledge Recommended usage: Introduction or summary - whole class © 2004 SMART Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. For further information, please see copyright notice.
Windows(R) operating system and Mac OS X operating system software Submitted by Candace Beaton American Sign Language
A a Bb Cc D d Ee F f G g HhIi Jj Kk Ll MmNn American Sign Language
Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz American Sign Language
Before moving onto the activities in this lesson, spend some time practicing each letter of the American Sign Language alphabet. Try these suggestions as well: American Sign Language (ASL) Work with a friend and practice finger- spelling each other's names. Try finger- spelling your name using ASL. Look around your classroom. Find one object and finger-spell the word. Have a friend try to guess the word you are spelling.
On the following pages, write the word that is being finger-spelled on the line provided. Use the alphabet on the previous pages to assist you. Finger-Spelling
Draw a picture that matches the word being spelt. Finger-Spelling
Draw a picture that matches the word being spelt. Finger-Spelling
Web Resources People that use sign language every day don't finger-spell every word they want to use. There are gestures that match words. To learn some of these gestures, visit this ASL dictionary site. Practice makes perfect. Visit this Web site and find finger-spelling quizzes and more!
Create More Words To create more words to decipher, simply return to pages three and four, and copy and paste the letters that you require onto this page.