MYP Unit #1 Patterns are Everywhere! AOI: ATL/Environments Guiding Question: How can patterns help you learn new things?
The Major Scale has a pattern: W, W, ½, W, W, W, ½ The D Major Scale : D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#, D Answer in your Journals: How many sharps does it have? What are the names of the sharps? Fingering Patterns: VIOLINS/VIOLAS: OD 123 OA 123 (O= Open) no fingers on the string! CELLOS= OD 134 OA 134 BASSES= OD 1 4 OG 1 (II) 4 (III) 3 4
Violin Open Strings/ GDAE D Major Scale Fingering Chart Complete the scale D, E, F#, G, A, ___, ___, ____
Viola Open Strings/ CGDA D Major Scale Fingering Chart What note do you Play on the Open A string with the 2 nd finger? 1 st finger? 3 rd Finger?
Cello Open Strings/ CGDA D Major Scale Fingering Chart How many fingers are Cello’s using? On the A String what note do you think you may be playing with your 3 rd finger?
Bass Open Strings/ EADG D Major Scale Fingering Chart On the D Open String how many fingers do you need to play an F#? What two notes on the A open String do you have to shift to III position?