Special Sight-Seeing Deuteronomy 34
Good view from Pisgah (Dt.34:1) Some 2600 feet above sea level Moses went up, not in Moses saw, did not settle there What do we see from the top?
I. The Promised Land, 2-4
Tribal allotments Moses sees future fulfillment of the promise... by faith God swore (4); keeps His word A two-edged sword – Faithful enter promised land w/o Moses, Dt.1:37-38 Faithful enter heaven w/o others, Mt.7:13-14, 21-23
Importance of obeying God (Dt.34) ■ One sin is serious, Nu.13-14, 20; Dt.32 ■ Edification is important, Nu.12, 20 ■ Reverence God, not self, Nu.20 Deuteronomy 34Matthew 4 God sent MosesSatan led Jesus, 8 Saw all landSaw all kingdoms, 8 God refused to let Moses enter Jesus refused offer to rule, 9
Importance of obeying God (Dt.34) ■ One sin is serious, Nu.13-14; 20; Dt.32 ■ Edification is important, Nu.12, 20 ■ Reverence God, not self, Nu.20 ■ Self-control is essential, Ja.3. Jn.1… ■ God will punish sins. Dt.1:41-43 ■ Sins may exact consequences. Dt.3 ■ Credibility of Scripture. Abraham, Moses… ■ Impartiality of God. Ac.10:…34-34.
I. The Promised Land, 2-4 II. Death, The Great Leveler, 5-7
Moses, great... ▪ ▪ Giver of Law is expendable. ▪ ▪ Servant of God dies w. boots on ▪ ▪ Leader of Israel dies in Moab. Mt.3,11,14 ▪ Mt.13: Pt.1:10-11
Moses, great... ▪ Giver of Law is expendable. ▪ Servant of God dies w. boots on ▪ Leader of Israel dies in Moab. Mt.3,11,14 ▪ ▪ Faithfulness in God’s house. Hb.3:5-6 ▪ ▪ Length of life. ▪ Sight, strength… Ec.12 ▪ Ps.90, death
I. The Promised Land, 2-4 III. Israel Wept, 8 II. Death, The Great Leveler, 5-7
During his life, where... were the tears? [Dt.1:45] was the appreciation? Some don’t appreciate blessings until they lose them Some don’t appreciate blessings until they lose them
I. The Promised Land, 2-4 II. Death, The Great Leveler, 5-7 IV. Fill In The Breach, 9-10 III. Israel Wept, 8
Older generations die out Younger must ‘stand in the breach’ Ps.106:19-23 Ezk.13:5; 22:30-31 Joshua prepared for years. Ac.6 We must ground youth of today… “But I’m no Moses…” (10)
I. The Promised Land, 2-4 II. Death, The Great Leveler, 5-7 V. Too Stout To Doubt, III. Israel Wept, 8 IV. Fill In The Breach, 9-10
Evidence: signs, wonders.. Ex.14, 19, 20… Ac.2 Explanation: how to deny signs? Finger of God... Ex.8:19, Signs Ex.31:18, Word Lk.11:20, the same Finger
Evidence: signs, wonders.. Ex.14, 19, 20… Ac.2 Explanation: how to deny signs? Finger of God... Foes of God: Pharaoh & magicians prove Moses’ divine commission Ex.8:19, finger of God Jn.3:2, Pharisee Ac.4:16, Sanhedrin Saul – Paul Ac.6:7
Evidence: signs, wonders.. Ex.14, 19, 20… Ac.2 Explanation: how to deny signs? Finger of God... Foes of God: Pharaoh & magicians prove Moses’ divine commission Moses: reluctant, Ex.3-4 Apostles: Mk.16; Jn.20
Evidence: signs, wonders.. Ex.14, 19, 20… Ac.2 Explanation: how to deny signs? Finger of God... Foes of God: Pharaoh & magicians prove Moses’ divine commission Moses: courage, v.12 Apostles: Ac.2; Hb.2
John 1:17 Moses – God’s Law Could not lead people into rest Joshua – God’s Savior (Jesus) Hb.4 Dt.31:16, lie down with… Moses ended well (Mt.17)