Making a Difference Close to Home ] traveling together… …sharing the journey
We are is a tax-exempt public charity created in 2000 by and for the people of Tompkins County to serve as a growing permanent endowment and information source to support everyone’s philanthropic action as a means of improving the quality of life for the Tompkins County community.
The I is a member of Council on Foundations Grantmakers for Effective Organizations Grantmakers Forum of New York Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce Tompkins County Funders Group
O Mission: to Encourage and Develop Sustainable Philanthropy for a Broad Range of Community Efforts by 1.Encouraging the growth of a permanent charitable endowment 2.Making strategic grants as community investments 3.Providing donors with vehicles to make giving easy and effective 4.Serving as a community catalyst and convener to solve problems and improve quality of life
Vision To be recognized as the premier philanthropic partner meeting broad community needs.
Over $4 million granted from 2000 to December 31, 2012 Assets are over $11 million held in over 75 different funds (as of 1/31/2013) facts
2012grants 1.Arts and Culture = 45% 2.Community Building = 13% 3.Education = 3% 4.Environment/Sustainability = 6% 5.Health and Human Services = 33% Total Grants in 2012 = $418,363
all grants 1.Arts and Culture = $889,299 2.Community Building = $565,699 3.Education = $714,152 4.Environment/Sustainability = $187,387 5.Health and Human Services = $1,714,861 Total Grants Q2012= $4,071,398
Richard Banks Mary Berens Susan Brown Tom Colbert Randy Ehrenberg Ross Feldman Marcie Finlay Mariette Geldenhuys Bob Jewell Sara Knobel Tim Little Robin Masson Alan Mathios Diane McDonough Bill Murphy Nancy Potter Mickie Sanders-Jauquet David Squires Carol Travis Linda Wagenet Julie Waters Amy Yale-Loehr 2013 board
today we celebrate
Lisa Whitaker President & CEO of CFCU Community Credit Union “Weaving a Difference” our speaker
Women’s Fund Grantees 2005 TC3 Foundation 2006 Catholic Charities 2007 Better Housing for Tompkins County Catholic Charities Greater Ithaca Activities Center Foodnet Meals on Wheels Newfield Good Neighbor Fund Women’s Opportunity Center Tompkins County Office for the Aging
Women’s Fund Grantees 2008 Catholic Charities Ithaca College Gerontology Institute Planned Parenthood of the Southern Finger Lakes The Women’s Opportunity Center Tompkins County Office for the Aging
Women’s Fund Grantees 2009 Alternatives Venture Fund Foodnet Meals on Wheels TC3 Foundation The Women’s Opportunity Center Tompkins County Chapter of the American Red Cross
Women’s Fund Grantees 2010 Advocacy Center IACC Day Care Center Ithaca Health Alliance Planned Parenthood of the Southern Finger Lakes Tompkins Learning Partners TC3 Foundation
Women’s Fund Grantees 2011 Catholic Charities Tompkins County Office for the Aging Opportunities, Alternatives, & Resources (O.A.R.) Ithaca Free Clinic
Women’s Fund Grantees 2012 Catholic Charities Ithaca Free Clinic
Mission to make a difference in the lives of women in our community Strategy to establish an endowment that will assist women in Tompkins County forever mission & strategy
To support organizations and projects that promote educational, economic, social and political equality for women To enable women to achieve economic self-sufficiency To insure that women have necessary healthcare resources grant objectives
A record 12 grants to 11 organizations totaling more than $19, grants
Meeting the Most Basic Needs of Women Tompkins Community Action Magnolia House Supportive Housing Program Cancer Resource Center of the Finger Lakes Healthy Beauty Workshops and Wigs for Women with Cancer Advocacy Center Domestic Violence Emergency Shelter Rehab Ithaca Health Alliance Ithaca Free Clinic Services for Women 2013 grants
Empowering Women of All Ages Opportunities, Alternatives, and Resources "Choices" Women's Empowerment Workshops Southside Community Center Girl Empowerment Program Enrichment Projects and Geared for Change Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County (CCETC) - Natural Leaders Initiative Peer Leadership Development Internship 2013 grants
Women, Moving Forward Catholic Charities Tompkins/Tioga Immigrant Services Program Finger Lakes Independence Center Brochures for the Asian Women's Network Tompkins Learning Partners Women's Basic Math Workshop Women's Opportunity Center Non-Traditional Scholarship Fund 2013 grants
Previous Laura Holmberg Award Recipients 2012 Carol Kammen 2011 Mimi Melegrito 2010 Jennie Graham 2009 Rebecca Elgie 2008 Betsy Darlington 2007 Sara Pines 2006 Joan Ormondroyd 2005 Rachel Siegel special women
Congratulations to the 2013 Laura Holmberg Award Recipient Beverly Baker today’s honoree
Carol Travis Chair Maria Eisner Perri LoPinto Carrie Regenstein Angela Sullivan Rachel Siegel Vice Chair Jan Hertel Ann Mathews Nancy Schuler Linda Wagenet advisory committee
Ann Mathews Chair Denise Lee Lai-Siu Leung Linda Wagenet Mary Ziegler Zucy Ortega Community Education, Outreach & Grants SubCommittee
Linda Wagenet Chair Denise Lee Ann Mathews Judith Pratt Julie Gorman Karen Comstock Kim Rothman Lai-Siu Leung Zucy Ortega 2013 Grants Review Committee
309 N. Aurora Street Ithaca, NY Visit us
today we celebrate