BIO TECHNOLOGY 10th Grade - Biology
BIOTECHNOLOGY Land, Air, Water & Minerals Definition : The application of technology utilizing the characteristics of living organization to obtain useful products is termed as biotechnology. The science of applying biological processes is called biotechnology. The application of biological organisms, systems or processes to manufacturing and service industries is called biotechnology.
BIOTECHNOLOGY PROCESSES Land, Air, Water & Minerals Genetic Engineering The technique of effecting desirable changes in the genetic material (DNA) of an organism is known as genetic engineering. The process involved in manipulating genes in the laboratory is called recombinant DNA technology. By this technique, it is possible to separate the desirable or useful gene from a cell and introduce it into another cell where the gene can undergo further replication. DNA Finger Print Technology This is another useful technique in biotechnology used for identifying individuals by determining the genetic relationships. DNA finger printing technique basically involves breaking down the DNA sample of an individual using specific enzymes into short Fragments and then separating the fragments using gel electrophoresis. The fragments get separated based on their size and net electrical Charge. Larger fragments move more slowly compared to smaller fragments. As a result, a series of bands are obtained in the form of a finger print. This is called DNA finger print. This characteristic pattern is unique to each individual. Tissue Culture It is the method of producing plants using a portion of a plant tissue or cells in a suitable nutrient medium under controlled aseptic conditions. Generally plant cells have the capacity to produce plants of their own kind. Tissue culture is developed on the basis of this principle. From a bit of a plant stem placed in a suitable culture medium, an entire plant can be obtained. Sophisticated laboratory is required for tissue culture. Such a laboratory will have mainly three separate rooms, one to prepare the nutrient medium, another for culturing and one more for infections. Each of these rooms will have sophesticated equipments, air conditioning, aseptic conditions and other necessary facilities. Cloning A population of identical molecules (genes) or cells or organisms all of which are derived from the same parent, by an asexual process, is called as a ‘clone’. The process of producing genetically similar molecules, cells or organisms from a common precursor ‘invitro’ or ‘invivo’, is known as cloning. Cloning of organisms is now a rapidly developing aspect of biotechnology.
GENETIC ENGINEERING Land, Air, Water & Minerals
TISSUE CULTURE Land, Air, Water & Minerals
BIOTECHNOLOGY PROCESSES – Cloning Land, Air, Water & Minerals
APPLICATIONS OF BIOTECHNOLOGY Land, Air, Water & Minerals 1.Biotechnology has significant application in agriculture. Its action ranges from improvement of plant and animal breeds to pest control and pathogen control. 2.Biotechnology is used in the food processing industry in the production of acceptable additives. 3. Several techniques of biotechnology are employed in the synthesis of biocatalysts and biopolymers. 4. Biotechnological processes are employed in the control of pollution and treatment of polluted water. 5. The most significant contribution of biotechnology is in the field of health care; several vaccines, drugs, hormones (like insulin) are being produced on a large scale using genetic engineering techniques.
LIMITATIONS OF BIOTECHNOLOGY Land, Air, Water & Minerals It is beyond any doubt that biotechnology has come as a boon to mankind, by providing products of importance in the fields of industries, food technology, healthcare, environmental engineering and so on. However, some of the procedures and processes that are being adapted in biotechnology have been against nature and natural laws. Creation of new varities of plants by using the technology of genetic engineering and tissue culture, has resulted in certain advantages. However, closely associated with these advantages are certain disadvantages like seed sterility. Genetically modified foods have slowly started threatening the human health. Moreover, such attempts have upset the delicate balance existing in nature. Cloning in particular has raised serious social, moral and ethical questions.There have been protests in many countries against attempts for human cloning it is necessary that the tools of biotechnology should be used properly and only for beneficial purposes; and not for destructive activities.