The Mystic Pyramid Welcome to the mystic pyramid. Above you, you should see a large pyramid made up of 9 smaller pyramids. In a moment, I will ask you to put your finger on any one of the promotional products in the pyramids. Then I will instruct you on how many times to move and you can move your finger to any CONNECTING pyramid that you wish. After each move, I will take some pyramids away. Once a pyramid is removed, you may NOT move onto that space. Ready to begin? - Good! Start by putting your finger on any promotional product. When you are ready, click here
Please keep your finger where it is. To make things a little more difficult, I'm going to add 3 more possibilities to the puzzle. click here. click here
Just so there is no misunderstanding on which pyramid you may move to, I have placed little red connectors between the pyramids. You may move only to the pyramids that have connectors between them (think of them as little bridges). Right now, move your finger 5 times (using the little connecting bridges) to any other pyramid. When you are done, click
I can sense that you are not on the polo shirt, tote bag, or the desk calendar so I will remove those pyramids. Remember, you can't move to an empty space. There are still 6 pyramids to choose from. With your finger on the last pyramid you touched, move 2 more times to a new connecting pyramid. When you are done, click
Interesting, I sense that you are not on the water bottle, so I will remove that pyramid. Once again, please move 3 times to another connecting pyramid. When you are done, click
I'm getting closer to finding out where you are. I sense that you are not on the pen. You are also not on the key tag. So both of those pyramids have been removed. Get ready to move one final time now... Ready? MOVE! click
See, you can't hide from me. I have removed the note cube and the cap and that only leaves one last promotional item. You're on the can cooler. Thank you for playing the Mystic Pyramid. Don't forget to clean off those fingerprints.
Contact Me To Add Magic To Your Promotional Marketing Your Findologist: Stephen Ropfogel, MAS (818)