Green Fingers Palermo Next steps
Green Fingers for CESIE is: an opportunity to strengthen contact with European partners a good chance to reinforce the relationship with local partners an occasion to introduce a “sustainable” concept of environment respect a chance to carry out an important social action in a disadvantaged district of Palermo an opportunity to promote intergenerational dialogue (child – adults) and intercultural dialogue (child with a background of immigration and local child) garden in Tavola Tonda
Green Fingers activities: Where? We decide to focus Green Finger activities in a square where there are different centers for children (migrants children and children come from disadvantaged area). The name of this district is “Tavola Tonda” This area is very poor but there a lot of good energies and good motivated people who are working there to improve the condition of the people and of the place. There is a neglected garden located in this square that is a meeting point for the kids of this area and it has a strong power of aggregation. We want to carry out the green fingers’ activities in this garden. Continue garden in Tavola Tonda
The history of this garden For many years this garden was a place of prostitution and drugs’ exchange. Few years ago an association has tried to improve the condition of the district and it was able to eliminate these acts from the garden through an important action of garden’s recovery that was at the same time an important social action. The garden was well arranged and decorated. But after some months the kids of this district destroyed all that was done. In this place the people didn’t have respect for own place and for the environment. From that moment the garden was abandoned. Just some months ago several associations and centres (CE.S.I.E included) working in this area decided to start again this action but for this time we realised the importance of thinking about the ways to involve all people in this district in order to let them aware of their responsibility to take care of this garden. garden in Tavola Tonda
Green Fingers and the next steps Green Fingers is a tool to start this great action of this garden’s rehabilitation which is also a big action of social change of the people’s mind. We want to make a big change! garden in Tavola Tonda
Current condition of the garden garden in Tavola Tonda
garden in Tavola Tonda Current condition of the garden
garden in Tavola Tonda Current condition of the garden
garden in Tavola Tonda Current condition of the garden
garden in Tavola Tonda Current condition of the garden
garden in Tavola Tonda The local children involved
garden in Tavola Tonda Children of Ubuntu involded
Plans of CE.S.I.E Organisation of a dissemination Green fingers’ event where all people (adults and children) will be involved. It could be an event open to the community. In order to increase the participation of the people living in this district we will ask them to cook sicilian and intercultural food for the event. The targets living in this district are local and migrant communities. Even if they live together there is a big distance between them. We believe that involving them from the beginning may help them to feel this project very close to them and motivate them to participate. garden in Tavola Tonda
Themes of the workshops: During the training moments would be interesting focus the attention to the improvement of the garden through the following actions: -Cleaning up the garden -Painting walls damaged -Planting flowers and trees but would be interesting focus the workshops on these following themes: - concept of respect of environment - concept of respect of life - concept of green urban space - water cycle and food chain - human manipulation of natural biological cycles, leading to dangerous and not sustainable conditions garden in Tavola Tonda
Green Fingers activities: When -The dissemination “green finger” event: first days of July -Activities’ start: June (after the event) -2 workshops a month for the following months: June/July/September/October Participation of the “Green Fingers” partners in a workshop during the meeting in Palermo! garden in Tavola Tonda