Poultry Disease Prevention and Control for Small Flock Owners Small Scale Poultry and Egg Production Meeting January 24 and 25, 2010 Escambia County and.


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Presentation transcript:

Poultry Disease Prevention and Control for Small Flock Owners Small Scale Poultry and Egg Production Meeting January 24 and 25, 2010 Escambia County and Santa Rosa County Gary Butcher, DVM, PhD University of Florida/ IFAS

BIOSECURITY FOR POULTRY Commercial flocks and small flocks:  Use same techniques to prevent disease  Same diseases threaten both

Objectives:  Disease prevention through effective biosecurity practices- keep diseases out!  If breakdown in biosecurity and disease challenge occurs, ensure chickens are immune competent to limit losses

Disease organisms get to other farms by one of the above ways 90% of the time. Break the cycle!

INVISIBLE KILLERS OF POULTRY Disease  Gumboro (Bursal Disease)  Coccidiosis  Fowl Cholera  Infectious Coryza  Avian Influenza  Laringotracheitis  Marek’s Disease  Newcastle  Mycoplasmosis  Salmonellosis  Avian Tuberculosis Lifespan Away from Bird  Months  Weeks  Hours to days  Days to weeks  Days  Weeks  Days to weeks  Hours to days  Weeks  Years

Recognizing Common Poultry Diseases

POULTRY COCCIDIOSIS Intestinal parasite, common, controlled by drugs and vaccines

INFECTIOUS CORYZA Caused by Haemophilus paragallinarum, very fragile organism, common in layer industry

FOWL POX Viral disease, spread by mosquitoes and direct contact, controlled by vaccination

MAREK’S DISEASE Viral disease, causes tumor formation, controlled by vaccination

CANNIBALISM Genetics predisposition, management factors, controlled by trimming beak, reduced light intensity,…

ASCARIDS AND TAPEWORMS Common, litter management, treatment as needed

---Be on the lookout!--- AVIAN INFLUENZA Viral disease, severity varies from LPAI to HPAI, common, vaccination may be practiced in some situations

Conclusions Take home message:  Goal: to prevent entry of diseases into your flocks by use of biosecurity practices  Plan: develop and implement a common sense disease prevention program