Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges Karin Schwabenbauer XIIIth European Poutry Conference, Tours FAO-Symposium.


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Presentation transcript:

Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges Karin Schwabenbauer XIIIth European Poutry Conference, Tours FAO-Symposium

2 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours Outline 1.Notifiable Poultry Diseases 2.Monitoring Poultry Diseases 3.Poultry Diseases and Trade 4.Poultry Production Systems 5.Poultry Health Services 6.The HPAI Crisis 7.Lessons learned

3 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours Notifiable Poultry Diseases OIE-Code –14 poultry diseases EU (ADNS) –3 poultry diseases (HPAI, LPAI and Newcastle disease) Germany –3 poultry diseases (HPAI, LPAI and Newcastle Disease)

4 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours Criteria for Notification OIE Code with a decision tree (Art ) –International spread, or –Zoonotic potential, or –Significant spread within a naive population, or –Emerging disease

5 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours Criteria for Notification (2) German Animal Health Law –Rapid spread, or –High mortality, or –Important economical impact, or –Zoonotic potential, and –Diagnostic tools available.

6 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours Monitoring of Poultry Diseases EU Monitoring for zoonoses –Salmonella typhimurium –Salmonella enteritidis –Campylobacter spp. Monitoring at farm level, aiming at reducing the risk of food borne diseases.

7 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours Disease control and trade – the OIE Code Zoning The OIE-Code had introduced since long the concept of zoning, meaning the geographical separation of livestock population within one country.

8 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours Disease control and trade (2) Compartimentalisation A new concept, tailored for integrated production systems, separates livestock population through biosecurity measures within one country.

9 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours The Poultry Production Sectors Two basic systems exist: –the industrial sector –the small scale production sector. Both systems work differently, but both sectors may be inter linked.

10 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours Characteristics of the industrial sector national/international markets high inputs (infrastructure and feed) large units with hybrid breeds for specialised production (layers or broilers) poultry health schemes for all participants in the chain provided by private experts in poultry diseases –biosecurity management –Uniform diagnostic, vaccination and other prophylactic measures, and therapy.

11 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours Characteristics of the small scale sector small flocks of mixed species eggs and meat production local breeds low input - poor housing, low or non-existent feed supplementation and health inputs - high mortality up to 60-80% low output, almost for household consumption or local trade Veterinary services are frequently provided by non- veterinarians

12 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours Poultry Health Services Poultry health services are in general provided by private veterinarians or para-veterinarians. The public sector‘s role is to protect public goods (public health, food security,serious socio-economic hazards, environmental impacts).

13 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours Poultry Health Programmes Elements of health programmes in the commercial poultry sector are –Biosecurity management (cleaning and disinfection, clear separation between clean and dirty), –Prophylactic vaccination against a range of diseases (Marek, IB, ND, Gumboro, ILT, Salmonella, etc.) –Monitoring of production data.

14 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours Poultry Health Programmes (2) In addition there should be an emergency plan in place.

15 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours The HPAI crisis (H5N1, Asia) HPAI H5N1 spread rapidly within poultry in Asia and beyond. It is zoonotic. The classical control tools didn’t help effectively every where. It affected the whole poultry industry. It brought the poultry sector to the attention of governments and the general public.

16 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours Combating HPAI H5N1 Classical control measures (culling, movement ban, vaccination) had varying success. The spread of HPAI H5N1 virus challenged the established health systems. The small scale systems need attention from the poultry health services.

17 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours Lessons Learned from the HPAI Crisis Poultry diseases need attention of veterinary services - regardless the sector. Socio-economic impact assessments have to consider all the stakeholders. Control measures have to be tailored to the actual situation (there is not “one fits all” approach). The public sector should play a leading role in the risk assessment process. However the main responsibility for disease control should remain with the private sector.

18 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours Lessons learned from the crisis (2) National restructuring efforts for the poultry sector should consider the production system as a whole, and Small flocks with poor biosecurity measures in place will in any case be part of the poultry producing community.

19 Poultry Health - Global Issues, Trends and Challenges , Karin SchwabenbauerXIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours Tierärztliches Personal Amtliche Tierärzte Anzahl der Behörden Bundesebene631 Land83116 Kreis insgesamt Aufgaben und Funktionsweise der Veterinärverwaltung Thank you for your attention!