Paul’s 1 st Missionary Journey Ephesus
Paul’s 2 nd Missionary Journey Ephesus
Paul’s 3 rd Missionary Journey Ephesus 2. Importance of God’s Power 3. Importance of godly leaders 1. Importance of God’s Word
Paul’s 3 rd Missionary Journey Ephesus
8 Churches planted from Ephesus? Hierapolis Colosse
How to bring people to Christ Relate Pray. Care. Help. Love. Laugh. Visit. Communicate Listen. Share. Explain. Invite. Bring. Keep praying.
Paul’s 3 rd Missionary Journey
What’s a godly leader to do? Watch, Oversee, Shepherd God’s “flock.” 1. Guard the “flock” from doctrinal error. 2. Build up the “flock” through the word of God’s grace. 3. Work hard at regular job, and still help the weak and give yourself generously to others.