Florian Klein Flocking Cooperation with Limited Communication in Mobile Networks
2Florian Klein Overview Introduction – what is flocking? Boids - Reynolds‘ three rules Mathematical Analysis Flocks as nets Coordination as minimization of structural energy Protocols for flocking and obstacle avoidance Potential Applications Practical Demonstration
3Florian Klein A flock‘s movement may look erratic…
4Florian Klein … but it may hide complex structures…
5Florian Klein … and it often knows where it‘s going.
6Florian Klein Introduction - Flocking Natural phenomenon Flocks of birds Schools of fish Swarms of insects Coordination based on local information Collision avoidance Joint navigation Complex interdependencies (chaos theory)
7Florian Klein Boids – pioneers in the field of artificial flocking Developed by Craig Reynolds in 1986 Used for animation of birds‘ flight Stanley and Stella in: Breaking the Ice Big screen debut in „Batman Returns“ Became poster child of artificial life research Simple rules lead to unpredictable behavior
8Florian Klein Boids – The Three Rules of Reynolds Alignment Copy average alignment of flockmates Cohesion Steer towards center of mass of flockmates Separation Steer away from center of mass of flockmates getting to close
9Florian Klein Boids – auxiliary rules Local Neighborhood defined by conical shape Versions used for animation tend to employ Preemptive obstacle avoidance Low priority targets as waypoints No formal model published
10Florian Klein Saber / Murray - A mathematical framework Graph theoretical approach Agents as nodes with point-mass dynamics Interaction between agents as edges Agents interact with their immediate neighbors Defined by spatial adjacency matrix Flocks as nets with specific configurations Strongly connected for spherical neighborhood Weakly connected for conic neighborhood
11Florian Klein Spatial adjacency matrix defines influence Simple approach: Refined approach:
12Florian Klein Framenets express structural constraints Agents form structural -net Each -agent responsible for maintaining a distance d with respect to every neighbor Different realizations possible
13Florian Klein Flocking as an optimization problem Analogy to molecules: Stable state is energetically optimal System state measured by Hamiltonian Molecule: Kinetic energy + positional energy Flock: Kinetic energy (p) + structural energy C H CC C CC H H H H H
14Florian Klein Potential function defines structural energy
15Florian Klein Sigmoid function controls behavior
16Florian Klein Protocol for nonsmooth adjacency matrices: Protocol for smooth adjacency matrices: with: , -Protocol as a Rule of Flocking
17Florian Klein Using the , -Protocol Stress indicates deviation from energy optimum Control input is yielded by Overall impetus is sum of individual adjustments For every neighbor: Correct position q to reduce stress Converge on neighbors velocity p, using dampening factor c d
18Florian Klein The , -Protocol and the rules of Reynold Stress weights Transmit neighbors‘ vote on desired course Emulate first and third rule of Reynold Additionally covers special case when negative and positive votes cancel out
19Florian Klein Quality of the , -Protocol Larger networks do not necessarily converge Especially when subjected to external influences Generally achieves a rather close approximization of framework Normalized Defect Factor:
20Florian Klein Obstacle avoidance using - and -agents Introduction of virtual agents
21Florian Klein Obstacle avoidance using - and -Agents - agents Help agents to avoid obstacles Placed on the obstacle‘s border Actively repelling -agents -agents Help agents to resume their former course Placed inside obstacle, parallel to the agent‘s velocity Attracting -agents
22Florian Klein Applicability Framework for flocking Formalizes flocking Enables goal-directed tweaking Allows verification Obstacle avoidance still pending Split, rejoin and squeeze maneuvers not fully understood Formal model yet incomplete
23Florian Klein Potential Applications - Robotics Autonomous vehicles Collision avoidance Navigation Optimization of throughput? Military applications Reconnaissance Mine sweeping Space exploration
24Florian Klein Demonstration