Classification GROUPING things according to their CHARACTERISTICS.
Creating Scientific Names Carl Linnaeus – 1750’s developed a system for organisms. Catalog all known species Created two-worded Latin names for each species (Binomial Nomenclature)
Groups Domain(largest) Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species (smallest) Great way to remember: Dozy Kids Play Chase On Freeway Get Squished
3 Broad Groups Eukaryote Multiple chromosomes and a mitotic cycle i.e. animals Multiple chromosomes and a mitotic cycle i.e. animals Prokaryote Single-Celled does not have nucleus or membrane- bound structures i.e. bacteria Single-Celled does not have nucleus or membrane- bound structures i.e. bacteria Archaea Prokaryotes-Like in extreme environments difference in genetic make up of their cell call. i.e. bacteria in hot pots Prokaryotes-Like in extreme environments difference in genetic make up of their cell call. i.e. bacteria in hot pots
Kingdom Encompasses large groups; such as plants, animals or fungi.
Phylum Subgroup within a kingdom. Animals belong to the phylum Chordata. (meaning they have a spinal “chord”)
Class A sub group within a phylum containing common characteristics.
Order A sub group within a class.
Family A sub group with an order.
Genus A sub group within a family Species with uniquely shared traits Species are thought to be closely related.
Species Unique group of organisms united by heredity or interbreeding Defined based on unique features
SPECIES means "KIND” A GROUP of closely related (SIMILAR) organisms that INTERBREED and have FERTILE offspring
CAROLUS LINNAEUS 2. Gave an organism a TWO- WORD LATIN name. (binomial nomenclature) Example COMMON name cougar, puma, mountain lion COMMON name cougar, puma, mountain lion SCIENTIFIC name Felis concolor SCIENTIFIC name Felis concolor GENUS, SPECIES Last name, first name
What’s in a name?
Binomial Nomenclature (bie NOH mee uhl Noh muhn KLAY chuhr) Scientific Name = Binomial Nomenclature Genus + Species = Scientific Name Example = Humans Homo + Sapien = Homo sapien
Examples of Scientific Names Cattle: Bos taurus, Bos indicus
Examples of Scientific Names Cattle: Bos taurus, Bos indicus Sheep: Ovis aries.
Examples of Scientific Names Cattle: Bos taurus, Bos indicus Sheep: Ovis aries Swine: Sus scrofa
Examples of Scientific Names Cattle: Bos taurus, Bos indicus Sheep: Ovis aries Swine: Sus scrofa Horse: Equus cabbalus
Examples of Scientific Names Cattle: Bos taurus, Bos indicus Sheep: Ovis aries Swine: Sus scrofa Horse: Equus cabbalus Chickens: Galus galus domesticus
Species a group of closely related animals that can INTERBREED and produce FERTILE offspring Example
Breed animals of common ORIGIN with characteristics that distinguish them from other groups within the same SPECIES Example
Type animals of the same SPECIES that are grouped together based on the PRODUCTS they produce Example
Scientific Names of Domesticated Livestock Animals Genus species
European Cattle Bos taurus
Indian Cattle Bos indicus
Sheep Ovis aries
Goats Capra hircus
Swine Sus scrofa domesticus
Horse Equus caballus
Donkey Equus asinus
Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus
Llama Llama glama
Alpaca Llama pacos
Dog Canis familiaris
Cat Felis catus
Chicken Gallus domesticus
Turkey Meleagris gallopavo
Duck Anas platyrhyncha
Goose Anser anser
Terms of Domesticated Animals
Cattle Species Bovine
Cattle Group Herd
Cattle Adult Male Bull
Cattle Adult Female Cow
Cattle Young Male Bull Calf
Cattle Young Female Heifer Calf
Cattle Newborn Calf
Cattle Castrated Male Bullock or Steer
Cattle Offspring w/Dam Calf at Foot or Suckling
Cattle Birthing Calving
Cattle Mating Serving
Sheep Species Ovine
Sheep Group Flock
Sheep Adult Male Ram, Buck, or Tup
Sheep Adult Female Ewe
Sheep Young Male Ram Lamb or Buck Lamb
Sheep Young Female Ewe Lamb
Sheep Newborn Lamb
Sheep Castrated Male Wether
Sheep Offspring w/Dam Suckling
Sheep Birthing Lambing
Sheep Mating Tupping
Goats Species Caprine
Goats Group Flock or Band
Goats Adult Male Buck or Billy
Goats Adult Female Doe or Nanny
Goats Young Male Buckling
Goats Young Female Goatling
Goats Newborn Kid
Goats Castrated Male Wether
Goats Offspring w/Dam Suckling
Goats Birthing Kidding
Goats Mating Serving
Swine Species Porcine
Swine Group Drove
Swine Adult Male Boar
Swine Adult Female Sow
Swine Young Male Boar Pig or Boarling
Swine Young Female Gilt
Swine Newborn Pig, Piglet, Pigling
Swine Castrated Male Barrow, Stag, Hog
Swine Offspring w/Dam Suckling
Swine Birthing Farrowing
Swine Mating Coupling
Poultry Species Gallus
Poultry Group Flock
Poultry Adult Male Rooster, Cock
Poultry Adult Female Hen
Poultry Young Male Cockerel
Poultry Young Female Pullet
Poultry Newborn Chick
Poultry Castrated Male Capon
Poultry Offspring w/Dam Clutch, Brood
Poultry Birthing Hatching
Poultry Mating ?????
Horse Species Equine
Horse Group Herd, Band, etc.
Horse Adult Male Stallion or Stud
Horse Adult Female Mare
Horse Young Male Colt
Horse Young Female Filly
Horse Newborn Foal
Horse Castrated Male Gelding
Horse Offspring w/Dam Suckling or Foal at Side
Horse Birthing Foaling
Horse Mating Serving
Types of Livestock
Cattle Beef Type Dairy Type Dual Purpose Multi-Purpose
Sheep Wool type Fine Medium Long Colored Meat or Mutton type Dual Purpose Dairy Type
Swine Lard Type Bacon Type Meat Type
Horses Draft Type Racing Ranch Work/Stock Horse Trotting Pacers
Poultry Eggs (Layers) Meat (Broilers) Ornamental Cock Fighting