Collective Nouns Collective nouns name groups (things) made up of members (usually people or animals).
Look at each picture. Choose the correct collective noun to describe the picture.
#1 I see a ______________ of wolves. Herd, pack or flock
#2 I see a __________________ of cattle. Herd, pack, or flock
#3 I see a ___________________ of seagulls. Herd, school, flock
#4 I see a ___________________ of killer whales. Herd, flock, pod
#5 There is a ___________________ of ants. Herd, flock. Or colony
#6 I see a __________________ of dogs. Swarm, school, or team
#7 The mother cat had a _______ of baby kittens. Flock, pod, or litter
#8 I went to the zoo and saw a ___________ of gorillas #8 I went to the zoo and saw a ___________ of gorillas. Pod, flock, or troop
#9 I was annoyed by the ________ of flies. Swarm, herd, flock
#10 I saw the ____________ of fish swimming in the pond #10 I saw the ____________ of fish swimming in the pond. Swarm, school, or herd