By: James Patterson
This book is set in a number of places. The “Flock” does not have a home because they are always on the run. If they were to stay in one spot they would be killed or kidnapped. They usually end up chilling where ever they aren’t getting shot at.
Maximum Ride (Max): she is the leader of the Flock and is VERY protective over them and she is the best fighter in the group. She has long blond hair, tall and her wings are a light brown with dark brown specks on them. Fang/Fnick (you would have to read the second book to understand): he is the 2 nd in command in the Flock and is the guy you don’t want to mess with and he is very mysterious, silent, deadly, has dark brown hair that comes down to his shoulders.
Iggy: He is blind due to experiments that the “White Coats” did to try to enhance his eye sight. He also has special abilities. First, he can feel the colors of the things he touches, and second I don’t know what it’s called so I’ll give you an example: the Flock is in need of food and money and there was a guy at an ATM and so they waited for him to leave and then Iggy punched in the guys code and got his card and the money on it.
Nudge: she is the middle girl in the Flock. And the computer hacker and there was never a computer that she couldn’t get into and get what the Flock needed. She can attract metal objects. Gazzy/ Gasman: the 2 nd youngest in the Flock, and an older brother for Angel (the youngest in the Flock). He has quite a few skills to such as being able to mimic any voice and he can fart any time any where as big and stinky as he wants (that how he got his name), or for short, as Max calls it, the better nuclear bomb.
Angel: the youngest in the Flock, and Gazzy’s little sister. She probably has the most abilities out of the Flock. These are all of the ones that I know- mind reading and manipulating, she can breath under water, communicate with animals, and she can shape-shift, but it takes a lot of concentration.
Even after they took down the Institute they were still in danger. They were being hunted by a man, give or take, named the Uber-Director. He is a “thing” that probably was a man at one point but he is now a head connected to a bunch of glass cases wired together with his organs in them. And he has to be pushed around in a wheel chair His 2 nd in command is a makeshift man named Gozen.
They are taken to supposedly hurricane save building for a bid (they are the ones who are being bided on). There is a category 5 hurricane headed for the building. The hurricane ends up working to the Flocks advantage. The Uber- Director end up in a million pieces and Gozen ends up dead.
One of the best books I’ve ever read. It has a lot of fighting and action.
He wrote the Daniel X series. He has written many other series. He also writes adult books. He lives in Florida. He has over 140 million books published in 40 languages.
How does Max feel about Fang? What are two of Angel’s abilities? How many traitors were in the book? What does Max call Miss Brigit Dwyer? True or False: The Flock gets trapped in the eye of the hurricane.
How does Max feel about Fang? What are two of Angel’s abilities? How many traitors were in the book? What does Max call Miss Brigit Dwyer? True or False: The Flock gets trapped in the eye of the hurricane. #1 She loves him #2 she can breath under water and read minds #3 two #4 Dr. Awesome #5 true
The Flock is at a funeral for Max’s half brother, Ari. The Flock goes to Antarctica to help scientist study global warming. It eventually turns into a kidnapping. They were kidnapped by the Uber-Director’s 2 nd in command Gozen and his robotic soldiers. Eventually Gozen and the Uber-Director are killed in the hurricane.