Lesson 5
Evangelist “euangelistes” a messenger of good, one who preaches the gospel, one who heralds the good news of the gospel He was often not located in any particular place but traveled as a missionary to preach the gospel and establish churches. (Acts. 21:8, 2 Tim. 4:5) Zod. Preach: “kerusso” - to be a herald, to proclaim, to preach the gospel to preach the Word. Gospel – “evangelion” – the Good News itself
Evangelist Matt. 4:17 Jesus preached the gospel Luke 4:18, Matt. 11:2-5 Jesus fulfilled Is. 61 Mark 1:38 “That is why I have come” Kerusso is preaching the Good News Evangelizo is also bringing the message of the gospel
Evangelism and the 12 apostles Matt. 10:5-8 Sent to the house of Israel Luke 9:6 Sent to the surrounding villages Mark 16 and Luke 24 Go into ALL the nations Acts 5:42 In the temple courts and from house to house Acts 8 To many villages of the Samaritans
Philip, Paul and Timothy as Evangelists Acts 21:8 Philip the evangelist Acts 8:5-13 Philip proclaimed Christ in Samaria resulting in salvation of many Acts 8:26-40 Philip leads the Ethiopian eunuch to Christ 2 Tim. 1:11 Paul was appointed a preacher of the gospel Acts 26:14-20 Sent to both Jew AND Gentile 2 Tim. 4:5 Paul told Timothy to do the work of an evangelist
Summary of Evangelism They bring the good tidings of the gospel of Jesus They speak the utterances of God (I Pet. 4:11) Itinerant – not the pastor-teacher Have a passion for the lost Usually think YOU should be on a missions trip Teach others how to witness more effectively
Believer’s responsibility Acts 1:8 All believers have the power of the Holy Spirit to give the gospel to others Acts 8:1-4 Those scattered, preached the Word Matt. 28:16-20 Command for all believers John 16:7-11 The Spirit is in believers and convicts the world of sin I Thess. 1:5-8 Their faith became known everywhere by their words, but also by their reputation; their lives
Pastor-Teacher “Pastor” – poimen – a shepherd, one who tends herds or flocks (not merely feeds them). Total care “Teacher” – didaskalos – instructors, teachers of the truth in the churches. John 10:1-16 Jesus shows selfless care for the sheep John 21:15-17 First “tend/feed” the sheep Then: “poimaino” shepherd the sheep. ALL that a shepherd does concerning his sheep Then back to tend and feed in verse 17, giving them the Word of God
Summary of Pastor-Teacher A speaking gift, so they are to speak the Word of God All do not have this gift They equip the saints for the work of service They not only teach the Word, but guard or protect from false teaching and guide their flock by example Elder or Overseer I Pet. 5:1-4 Not greedy for money, but eager to serve Not lording over the flock, but being an example I Tim. 3:1-7 Must be able to teach
Jeremiah and Ezekiel Jer. 17:6 Spoke God’s warning to the people Jer. 2:8 Warning: Those who handle the Law DID NOT KNOW ME Jer. 3:15 God will give Israel shepherds after His own heart who will feed them on knowledge and understanding (future) Ez. 34 These were shepherds that only cared about themselves, not for the people
Review Apostles: Go out with the message and build churches Prophets: Explain and apply the message brought by the apostle Evangelists: bring in the lost and speak in such a way that people are convicted of their sin and see their need for a savior by way of God’s Word. Pastor-Teacher: Shepherds the body of Christ by feeding them and equipping them for the work of service in the body, growing them up.