Pink dolphins
Why are dolphins are endangered? The sea of Hong Kong is becoming a very dangerous habitat for the Pink Dolphins these days. This is because of the increase in poaching, landfills, and sea traffic. Since Pink Dolphins are territorial animals and rarely stray far away from their natural habitat, the water pollution in Hong Kong has a high impact on them. This will result in them dying.
What will happen if we don’t stop Eventually the pink dolphins will become extinct. They will not be able to live on anymore and they will die. These are some examples of dolphins being killed and abused.
Some more examples; Some people( especially fishermen). Don't realize how important dolphins are. If every one does this many dolphins will die along with other creatures alike the dolphins.
Lives of dolphins before pollution Dolphins are very skillful in the water and often play near ships. Dolphins travel hundreds of miles down, hunting the fish. Deep-sea dolphins and spotted dolphins will swim into shallow water to eat. They can keep a speed of 23 miles per hour and leap 3 meters out of the water. The most widely held reason that dolphins jump out of the water is so they can see a flock of birds that are eating, and they can go to the food. When dolphins eat, they take turns, like they are sharing.
Heat is lost in water unbelievably fast. In order keep heat from leaving the body, the dolphin has a thick layer of fat below its skin. Blubber holds in its body heat, and keeps out the cold. The dolphin also has special blood vessels that soak up heat and carry it back around of the body. A dolphins' temperature is normally around 96 degrees F to 98 degrees F. A dolphin's body can overheat if it swims fast over an overloaded period of time. Overheating can cause a dolphin to get too tired and die.
Ways of helping We can start by building cameras onto the ships to locate where dolphins are so we do not put them in any harm. Second; we can stop throwing waste to the ocean so the water won’t be polluted so dolphins have more chance of survival.