Edu 560 Session #3 May 13,
Welcome Back! Today’s Agenda: Check in Blog Feedback Antoinette’s Tech in Ed Presentation Personal Learning Networks Web 2.0 Cool Tool: Flocabulary
Check In O Checking in: how are things? Anything Nicole needs to know? O Blog- First three posts due yesterday O Web Presences Website- 3 components: welcome, contact information, link to blog O Making Websites “live”
Check In: FYIs O Teachers Speak Up Blog O ZeroLandfill Chicago is hosting an upcycling program that diverts material samples from the landfill and supports art educators. You'll find a wide variety of materials at the Chicago Center for Green Technologies (445 N. Sacramento Blvd.) on 5:30pm-7:30pm and 10:00am-1:00pm from May 9-18, 2013.
Blog Feedback O Feedback from Nicole- comments O If needed, through private O Assume full credit (2 points) if on time, substantive O Remove word verifications (moderating? Ok) O Read and comment on each other’s! O Photos: great job with credits, watch student photographs unless you have AUPs O Designs are a nice touch!
Tech in Ed Presentation O Antoinette’s Presentation: Flipped Learning Questions? Comments? Feedback?
Tech in Ed Presentation O TED Talks
Professional Learning Systems Personal Learning Networks Professional Learning Systems Personal Learning Plans Professional Learning Committee Tailored to an educator’s specific needs “Learner Driven” Allows you to manage your own learning Learn from others with like-minded interest Anytime/Anywhere Learning
Why Participate in PLNs?
The Power of a PLN
United States Canada Guatemala Guyana Uruguay Spain United Kindgom Finland Indonesia Australia
The Power of a PLN
Social Media & PLNs PLN’s aren’t just limited to technology: books, coursework, conversation, conferences
Nicole’s PLN
Edmodo ASK
Edmodo SHARE
Illinois Computing Educators
Additional PLN Resources Technology-and-Education/
Additional PLN Resources (sign up for technology newsletters) dtofriend.aspx?msgid=45107&obid= &ue dtofriend.aspx?msgid=45107&obid= &ue (Tech & Learning e-news) Image source:
New to PLNs Lurk! Collect! Contribute! Ask questions, make comments, share your stuff
PLNs Mean Added Resources Next class: Social Bookmarking
Stages of PLN Adoption
Stages of PLN Adoption Image source:
Stages of PLN Adoption Image source:
Stages of PLN Adoption Image sources:
Stages of PLN Adoption image source:
Stages of PLN Adoption
PLN Assignment Create a Twitter account (you may use an existing account). Find 10 (or more) education related people/organizations to follow. Check back every few days (but at least 1 time per week). On June 9 th your 4 th blog post will be due. You will write about 1 resource you found through your PLN and how this resource can help you in the classroom. Consider joining Edmodo (although not required)
Web 2.0 Cool Tool: Flocabulary O
Homework (due May Midnight) O Educational Philosophy due on professional website- it’s own page O Why are you here? What beliefs do you have about educating children? O (suggestions) O (samples) O - !educational- philosophy/c14k0(Nicole’s) - !educational- philosophy/c14k0 O Join the Flock, Twitter for Beginners & 20 Social Networks Readings