Who Am I?
Phylum Arthropoda (means jointed foot) Class Insecta includes all the true insects Class Arachnida spiders, mites, ticks
Classification of Insects Phylum Arthropoda: Segmented body Exoskelton Open circulatory system Ventral nervous system Paired segmented appendages Respiration by gills or trachea Separate sexes
Insect characteristics Six legs Three body regions (head,thorax,abdomen) Antennae Wings (most) Chewing or piercing- sucking mouthparts
Insect Anatomy Exoskelton Protection and support Receptor of stimuli Movement
Body region functions Head taste, feel, eat Thorax walk,jump,fly Abdomen breathe, digest, excrete, reproduce
Head Antennae- sensory Eyes- sight compound or simple Mouthparts: piercing/sucking, rasping/sucking, sponging,chewing/lapping, cutting/sponging, siphoning
Examples of Mouthparts Chewing: beetle, wasp, caterpillar, ant Siphoning: butterfly, moth Piercing/sucking: flea,mosquito,aphid Rasping/sucking: thrip Sponging: housefly Chewing/lapping: honeybee Cutting/sponging: deerfly, horsefly
Thorax Legs- movement -3 pairs Wings- movement & air/blood transport - one pair of wings: mosquitoes - two pairs of wings: dragonflies - no wings: fleas
Abdomen Copulation, egg-laying and stinging Includes spiracles for gas exchange Ovipositor for egg-laying -may be modified as a stinger Prolegs -not true legs but outgrowths of abdomen
Life Cycle Complete Incomplete None/Ametabolous
Complete Life Cycle Stages –Egg –Larvae –Pupa –Adult Examples: –Ant –Bee –Beetle –Weevil –Flea
Incomplete Life Cycle Examples –Cricket –Aphid –Grasshopper –Cicada
No Life Cycle -Ametabolous Examples –Silverfish –Springtail
Economic Damage None/Predatory Destroys Fruit/Flower Destroys Vegetative Parts (roots/leaves) Destruction by Plant Fluid Removal
None/Predatory Examples- –Honeybee –Lady Beetle
Destroys Fruit/Flower Examples –Bean leaf beetle –Corn earworm USDA, ARS ipmworld.umn.edu/chapters/hammond.htm
Destroys Vegetative Parts (roots/leaves) Examples –Japanese beetle –European corn borer USDA, ARS
Destruction by Plant Fluid Removal Example: –Aphids –Leafhopper USDA, ARS
Slide Credits Phil Nixon Monica David, UIUC