Reproduction Growth and Development Insect Life Cycles Reproduction Growth and Development
Insect Reproduction Most sexual In many species of wasps, EXCEPTION: Males scarce/around at certain times of year Females still reproduce! Common in aphids. In many species of wasps, unfertilized eggs = males fertilized eggs = females Certain species females produce only females. Insects may reproduce by: laying eggs the eggs hatch inside the female Common in aphids
Insect Growth and Development (Complete Metamorphosis) In most insects Four stages: egg, larva or nymph, pupa, and adult several larval or nymphal stages instars Growth larval or nymphal stages The eggs, pupae, and mature adults don't grow in size
Pupa stage (cocoon or chrysalis):
Complete Metamorphosis
Insect Growth and Development (Incomplete Metamorphosis) Nymph look like the adult No wings color may be different Nymphs and adults usually occupy the same habitat EXAMPLES: true bugs and grasshoppers
Incomplete metamorphosis
Ametabolous life cycle: EXAMPLES: Springtails and silverfish They have an egg stage Once hatched = look exactly like the adult. The nymphs Missing the sexual organs OR Have them but are unable to reproduce until the adult stage