Life cycle Egg—larvae–- pupa--- adult. Anopheles vector of malaria and filariasis, breed in clear water Culex vector of filariasis and viruses, breed in polluted water (cities) Aedes vector of yellow fever, dengue fever, rift valley fever.
Pulex irritans Xenopsylla cheopis
Medical importance of fleas 1- Transmision of Plague 2- fleas born typhus endemic or murine typhus Rickettsia mooseri 3- Flea nuisance 4- Shigoe flea Tunga penetrance skin disease chigger (Jegger) disease
disease transmission: lice act as a vector for - Epidemic typhus - Epidemic relapsing fever, - Trench fever. Pediculosis, irritation and pruritus.
No disease transmission Phthirus pubis
Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius )
Brown, wingless,dorsoventral flattened. Adult-eggs-nymph,adult. Only irritant,not disease vector
–Large insect, small narrow head with strong mouth parts,and antenna laterally spotted abdomen vector of American trypanosomiasis (chaga`s disease)
Scorpion Cephalothorax with median and lateral eyes,pedipalps,4 pair legs. anterior and posterior abdomen end with stinger
Hard tick
Soft Tick
Hard tick hard cuticle - babesiosis, - Quneensland fever, - Rocky mountain spotted fever, - tick paralysis Soft tick soft cuticle - Relapsing fever Borrelia duttoni - Tick paralysis
Cyclops (water flea) Aquatic arthropod Cephalothoraxe & abdomen 2 antenna Swimming appendages Vector for: Dracunculus medinensis