Higher Biology & Environmental Science


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Presentation transcript:

Higher Biology & Environmental Science Assignment

The Assignment You will have to investigate a relevant topic in biology/environmental science and communicate your research findings in a report. This must relate to a key area of the Higher Biology/Environmental Science Course. Worth 20 marks out of a total of 120 marks (the final exam is worth 100 marks), Marked by the SQA.

The Assignment consists of 2 stages: Research Stage Communication Stage You need to write a report under exam conditions.   You can only use information/data that you have collected from your research. This may include, for example: statistical, graphical, numerical or experimental data; data/information from the internet; published articles or extracts; notes taken from a visit or talk; or notes taken from a written or audio-visual source, but it cannot include a prepared draft report. As a guide, your report should be 800–1500 words, excluding tables, charts and diagrams. Select sufficient sources of information/data that: - are relevant: - are reliable: -have similar/different perspectives: Information/data could include raw data from an experiment/practical activity, extracted tables, graphs, diagrams and text. Record the sources you have used with enough detail to allow someone else to find them again. If one of the sources is an experiment/practical activity, then you need to record the title and the aim.

You will be issued with a detailed guide to help you complete both stages of the Assignment....... USE IT!

Insects Introduce assignment theme – ie insects

Make a list of positive and negative ways in which insects impact on humans. Small brainstorming activity to hone the mind. Some pictures included to kick off one or two ideas if needed. Summarise suggestions and then introduce the two contrasting assignment investigation titles.

Assignment Titles Insects as a Potential Food Source. Insects and their Impact on the Human Population. Introduce and explain why this is topical area for study, ie an ever increasing global population is placing increasing demands on world resources including food. In order to maintain a sustainable food supply it is necessary to explore -alternative, sustainable food (and feed for livestock) sources, (link to Bang Goes Theory clip on insect eating – 3mins 27s) Methods for controlling insect pests on arable/horticultural crops and livestock, issues surrounding insect associated health issues http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p004v278

Focus Questions Insects as a Insects and their Impact Potential Food Source Insects and their Impact on the Human Population. Could entomophagy address food security issues? What is the nutritional value of entomophagy? What are the issues surrounding using insects for human consumption? What role could insects play in famine relief? Could insects be used as a feed source in intensive poultry production? Could insects be used as a feed source in intensive fish farming? How can edible insect resources be conserved and managed? What impact could climate change have on the incidence of malaria? How do insects impact on intensive salmon production? How do insects impact on crop yield? Could insects be used as pest management in intensive arable agriculture?

Get started……… Time to get busy. Choose a focus question. You may have ideas for focus questions of your own. If so, check that it fits the remit with your teacher. Read the ‘Instructions for Candidates’ booklet carefully. You MUST follow the advice given. Start your research. Most of this will be done in your own time. Give yourself plenty of time to do this – its important!

Assignment Deadline Dates The Research stage should be completed by ????? The Communication Stage will be on ??????????????