Leading Canada: Aerospace Engineering Education and Research at Carleton University CARIC & OCE 15 Jan Oct 2014 Daniel Feszty, PhD, PEng Director of Aerospace Research Unit
2 - many “firsts” in the field: : first “Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering” program in Canada : first team-based final year project in aerospace engineering - largest undergraduate aerospace program in Canada (125 students/year) - largest graduate aerospace population in Canada (80 graduate students) - first undergraduate course on rotorcraft in Canada - first Whirl Tower facilit(ies) in Canada - first American Helicopter Society student chapter in Canada (20 students) - etc, etc. Carleton University Canadian leader in aerospace education & research Stream A: Aerodynamics, Stream B: Structures Stream C: Avionics Stream D: Space
3 -concentrates aerospace researchers at Carleton University -created to enhance visibility of Aerospace Research at Carleton University -30+ faculty members + more than 80 research students -among largest aerospace research centres in the academia in Canada
5 S. Sjolandergas turbine aerodynamics – passive flow control M. Yarasgas turbine aerodynamics – separation bubbles, transition H. Sarawannamootogas turbine engines, aerodynamics T. Kaya spacecraft design and heat transfer J. Etelerocket-based combined cycle engines, UAV quadcopters E. Elleryspace robotics and rovers J. Rochaaerospace acoustics and noise control P. Liuhealth monitoring and diagnostics M. Martinezactive fibre composites, health monitoring J. Lalibertecomposite materials, UAV aircraft M. Ahmadiaerospace robotics and control P. StraznickyUAV aircraft, composites, structures C. Scainiavionics, UAV aircraft C. Ranscomposite materials J. Goldakcasting and welding of aerospace materials A. ArtemevFEM modeling of active fibre composistes H. Saarihigh temperature materials for gas turbines F. Nitzsche rotorcraft vibration and noise control, aeroelasticity D. Fesztyrotorcraft vibration and noise control, aerodynamics R. Langloishelicopter – ship interaction, dynamics, simulators F. Afaghhelicopter – ship interaction,structures E. Matidarotorcraft BVI, aerodynamics of particulate matters C. Merrettaeroservoelasticity
6 CarletonAerospace Some of the interdisciplinary research expertise School of Information Technology Department of Biology Department of Psychology Systems & Computer Engineering - Intelligent systems Whitehead Dawson Herdman OBSTACLE DETECTION FOR UAV’s INSECT FLIGHT / MICRO AIR VEHICLES PILOT LOAD / COGNITIVE SCIENCE
7 Research Facilities
8 Research Facilities Wind Tunnels -7 wind tunnels, covering wide range in size and speed -new 1.25 million wind tunnel currently under construction
9 Research Facilities Water Channel -allows testing at higher Reynolds numbers
10 Other research strengths (highlights) UAV aircraft design and testing The Carleton UAV project has 12 years history and aims to build UAV aircraft for geomagnetic survey for Ottawa-based Sanders Geophysics Ltd. GeoSurv II Corvus UAS YouTube
11 Other research strengths (highlights) Pratt & Whitney PT6 Gas Turbine
12 -4 unique research strengths Rotorcraft research -unique in Canada -vibration, noise, MAV -only undergraduate Flight simulation -largest in Canada -7 simulators -cross-disciplinary Space Robotics -unique in Canada -CRC -Mars Rover: CSA Intelligent Aircraft -next big thing -big data management -SNG: Langis Roy
13 -4 unique research strengths Rotorcraft research -unique in Canada -vibration, noise, MAV -only undergraduate Flight simulation -largest in Canada -7 simulators -cross-disciplinary Space Robotics -unique in Canada -CRC -Mars Rover: CSA Intelligent Aircraft -next big thing -big data management -SNG: Langis Roy
14 Space Robotics & systems Satellite laboratory
15 Space Robotics & systems Satellite laboratory
16 Space Robotics & systems Planetary rover & spacecraft Mars rover built at Carleton University by Prof. Ellery’s team in collaboration with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). Rocket-based combined cycle engine concept developed by Prof. Etele, which is to be tested by the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA)
17 -4 unique research strengths Rotorcraft research -unique in Canada -vibration, noise, MAV -only undergraduate Flight simulation -largest in Canada -7 simulators -cross-disciplinary Space Robotics -unique in Canada -CRC -Mars Rover: CSA Intelligent Aircraft -next big thing -big data management -SNG: Langis Roy
18 Flight Simulators
19 Flight Simulators CH-146 Griffon UAV test bed FaceLAB eye- tracking system Broad-angle display system CF-18 Sensics hekmet mounted system Cessna
20 Flight Simulators Carleton University Simulator Project (CUSP) This 6-degree of freedom simulator will allow reproducing 360 degree roll maneuvers in a ground-based environment.
21 Flight Simulators Carleton University Simulator Project (CUSP) This 6-degree of freedom simulator will allow reproducing 360 degree roll maneuvers in a ground-based environment.
22 -4 unique research strengths Rotorcraft research -unique in Canada -vibration, noise, MAV -only undergraduate Flight simulation -largest in Canada -7 simulators -cross-disciplinary Space Robotics -unique in Canada -CRC -Mars Rover: CSA Intelligent Aircraft -next big thing -big data management -SNG: Langis Roy
23 Rotorcraft Research Carleton Whirl Tower Facility Low RPM facility (helicopter – shipboard interaction testing) High RPM facility The Carleton Whirl Tower facility is the only such facility in Canada. It allows centrifugal testing of scaled helicopter rotors with actively controlled systems for vibration and noise control. YouTube Discovery Channel – Daily Planet 10 April 2013 Video
Fan: mimics vibration from forward flight Rotorcraft Research Active Pitch Link: first in world
Scaled blade FEM design, manufacturing, instrumentation and testing (first in Canada) Rotorcraft Research Scaled blade design: dynamic similarity
Rotorcraft Research Blade manufacturing
Rotorcraft Research Scaled rotor designed and manufacturing: first in Canada
28 -CarletonAerospace : -oldest and largest aerospace educational program in Canada (~580 students) - largest aerospace academic research centre in Canada (30 professors) -builds upon Carleton’s track record (1 st ) in aerospace research & education -unique historic strengths in: Space Robotics, Flight Simulations, Rotorcraft -Leading new area: intelligent aircraft Summary