Insects you should know ….. Say what each picture is, then check by clicking the picture. The sounds are not yet functional …. CLICK SLIDE TO START ….. Visual Vocabulary Developer - Chris Snuggs INSECTS
PLAY SOUND LINKS word sentence 2 ASSOCIATED PICS Visual Vocabulary Developer - Chris Snuggs What is this insect that pollinates flowers and makes honey? a bee beehive all about
INSECTS PLAY SOUND LINKS word sentence 3 ASSOCIATED PICS Visual Vocabulary Developer - Chris Snuggs An insect that lives just a day or so ….. a butterfly caterpiller site 1
INSECTS PLAY SOUND LINKS word sentence 4 ASSOCIATED PICS Visual Vocabulary Developer - Chris Snuggs An insect that lives in a nest ……. an ant
INSECTS PLAY SOUND LINKS word sentence 5 ASSOCIATED PICS Visual Vocabulary Developer - Chris Snuggs The most beautiful of insects …. a dragonfly
INSECTS PLAY SOUND LINKS word sentence 6 ASSOCIATED PICS Visual Vocabulary Developer - Chris Snuggs The insect responsible for malaria …. a mosquito
INSECTS PLAY SOUND LINKS word sentence 7 ASSOCIATED PICS Visual Vocabulary Developer - Chris Snuggs An insect that thrives on rubbish …. a (house)fly
INSECTS PLAY SOUND LINKS word sentence 8 ASSOCIATED PICS Visual Vocabulary Developer - Chris Snuggs An insect that lives in and under the garden... a centipede (100 legs!)
INSECTS PLAY SOUND LINKS word sentence 9 ASSOCIATED PICS Visual Vocabulary Developer - Chris Snuggs An insect with a nasty sting ….. a wasp
INSECTS PLAY SOUND LINKS word sentence 10 ASSOCIATED PICS Visual Vocabulary Developer - Chris Snuggs One of the most common insects of all …. a beetle
INSECTS PLAY SOUND LINKS word sentence 11 ASSOCIATED PICS Visual Vocabulary Developer - Chris Snuggs Most people’s favourite insect … ….. a ladybird
INSECTS PLAY SOUND LINKS word sentence 12 ASSOCIATED PICS Visual Vocabulary Developer - Chris Snuggs It makes a lot of noise at night … a grasshopper
INSECTS PLAY SOUND LINKS word sentence 13 ASSOCIATED PICS Visual Vocabulary Developer - Chris Snuggs Strictly speaking, it’s not an insect …. a spider Spider’s web
INSECTS PLAY SOUND LINKS word sentence 14 ASSOCIATED PICS Visual Vocabulary Developer - Chris Snuggs This isn’t an insect either …. a worm
That is the end of the exercise! Go back and do it again until you get them ALL right FIRST TIME!!! BACK TO BEGINNING ….
A butterfly metamorphoses from ….. a caterpiller BACK
A spider weaves a web … ….. a web BACK