Welcome USA Canada Youth Exchange Network Annual Conference
“Any language where the unassuming word 'fly' signifies an annoying insect, a means of travel, and a critical part of a gentleman’s apparel is clearly asking to be mangled." Bill Byerson
“Not only does the English language borrow words from other languages, it sometimes chases them down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and goes through their pockets.” Eddy Peters Eddy Peters
"Yesterday, I gave up looking for a joe job, cashed my pogey, and took off to buy a mickey of C.C. on my skidoo. But we’d just had a chinook, so I got stuck in the muskeg trying to deke out a deer.
And then a real keener of a Mountie snuck up behind me in a ghost car and gave me an impaired. And he wouldn’t give me another kick at the cat.
Having earlier consumed a 2-4 of Blue, I was sitting there dressed only in my Stanfields, runners and a toque at the time. And the Mountie, he gets all chippy about it. Bummer eh?"
USA-Canada Youth Exchange Network Board Zone 22 Woody Angst Zone 28 Colleen Wood Zone 23 Jon Greene Zone 29 Ed True Zone 24 Sam Wheeler Zone 30 Eric Marcus Zone 25 Nancy Thornton Zone 31 Tom Overbaugh Zone 26 Nick Gianonne Zone 32 Dan Bronson Zone 27 Dave Smith Zone 33 Lisa Landes Zone 34 Al Kalter USA-Canada Youth Exchange Network Board Zone 22 Woody Angst Zone 28 Colleen Wood Zone 23 Jon Greene Zone 29 Ed True Zone 24 Sam Wheeler Zone 30 Eric Marcus Zone 25 Nancy Thornton Zone 31 Tom Overbaugh Zone 26 Nick Gianonne Zone 32 Dan Bronson Zone 27 Dave Smith Zone 33 Lisa Landes Zone 34 Al Kalter
USA-Canada Youth Exchange Network Officers USA-Canada Youth Exchange Network Officers President Dennis White President-Elect Nominee Dan Bronson Past President Neil McDonald Secretary Bob White Treasurer Roy Joseph