Incredible Insects! By: Callie Stevens 1 Week Thematic Unit for Kindergarten Science
Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents Unit Questions Unit Questions WV CSO’s & National Standards WV CSO’s & National Standards Unit Summary Unit Summary Assessments Time Frames, Materials, Time Frames, Materials, & Resources & Resources Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes
Unit Questions Essential Question: What are Insects? Unit Questions: What types of habitats do insects live in? live in? How are insects different from other bugs? How can insects be harmful or helpful? Content Questions: What is a thorax? An Abdomen? Which insects are harmful? Which insects are helpful? What is a pupa?
WV CSO’s SC.O.K.1.1 ask questions about themselves and their world. S.C.O.K.1.3 demonstrate curiosity, initiative and creativity by asking questions about the environment noting patterns and variations of natural objects (e.g., trees, leaves, or animal structures). S.C.O.K.2.1 using the five senses, identify living and non-living things. S.C.O.K.2.3 observe and describe models of plants and animals in different environments (e.g., terrariums, aquariums, animals and plants in a forest, pond, or field).
National Standards As a result of activities in grades K-4, all students should develop understanding of: The characteristics of organismsThe characteristics of organisms Life cycles of organismsLife cycles of organisms Organisms and environmentsOrganisms and environments
Learning Outcomes Students will gain a better understanding of the fascinating characteristics of insects, their habitats, and life cycles. Students will gain a better understanding of the fascinating characteristics of insects, their habitats, and life cycles. Students will also be able to classify insects apart from other bugs and similar creatures, anatomically. Students will also be able to classify insects apart from other bugs and similar creatures, anatomically. Students will be able to recognize many common types of insects Students will be able to recognize many common types of insects Students will understand the difference between insects that harm and insect that are helpful Students will understand the difference between insects that harm and insect that are helpful Students will be able to effectively describe insects Students will be able to effectively describe insects
Unit Summary Day 1 Day 2 1. Introduce Lesson on Insects 2. Take a poll of who likes/dislikes insects 3. Large group discussion and sharing about insects we have seen with reference to photographs and real specimen 5. PPT Presentation on insects on classroom SMART Board 4. KWL chart on students’ knowledge of insects on SMART Board 1. All About Insects film about insect anatomy, life cycles, and habitats classifies insects according to anatomy classifies insects according to anatomy 2. Interactive PPT game on computers that Interactive PPT game Interactive PPT game 3. Classification Activity: classify (Station 1) creatures as insect & not an insect creatures as insect & not an insect (Station 2) different bugs, insects, and similar 4. Life cycle booklets/Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (Station3) 5. Insect Curriculum Pg.-Parents assist at home for enrichment 5. Insect Curriculum Pg.-Parents assist at home for enrichment NEXT PAGE
Unit Summary Day 3 Day 4 1. “Insects are…” sentences: Students will learn to describe insects with adj 2. Insect Drawings: Students will create their own insects which will be displayed in the room all week! 3. Re-read unit story I Like Bugs 4. Insect Anatomy Puzzles!-divide insect bodies into head, thorax, and abdomen. 5. Homework Enrichment: Parents assist with insect curriculum page 1. Large group discussion of helpful insects to humans & the environment 2. Students watch short movie maker movie called What Are Insects? on the classroom SMART Board 4. Computer Lab: Kidspiration Computer Lab: KidspirationComputer Lab: Kidspiration insect habitat classification activity 5. Homework Enrichment: Parents assist with insect curriculum page NEXT PAGE
Unit Summary Day 5 1. Review KWL Chart on SMART 2. Final reading of I Like Bugs 3. Take a poll of who likes/dislikes Board Board insects and compare it to Day 1 insects and compare it to Day 1 6. Homework Enrichment: Parents assist with insect curriculum page assist with insect curriculum page 4. Closure: review of what we learned this week this week 5. Unit Test on Insects TABLE OF CONTENTS
Time Frames Time Frames Day minutes: Introduce Lesson on Insects-5 minutes Introduce Lesson on Insects-5 minutes Poll-5 minutes Poll-5 minutes Large group discussion-5 minutes Large group discussion-5 minutes KWL chart on SMART Board-10 minutes KWL chart on SMART Board-10 minutes Insect PPT Presentation-10 minutes Insect PPT Presentation-10 minutes I Like Bugs & Discussion- 10 minutes I Like Bugs & Discussion- 10 minutes Materials: Insect photographs & real specimen Resources: SMART Board, PPT Presentation ready, & I Like Bugs Day 2-60 minutes: All About Insects film-15 minutes All About Insects film-15 minutes 3 Stations- 45 minutes 3 Stations- 45 minutes Materials: P lastic insects, bugs, and similar creatures and life cycle booklets Resources : All About Insects, story, HW Curriculum Pg Day 3-45 minutes: “Insects are…” Sentences-10 minutes “Insects are…” Sentences-10 minutes Insect Drawings-10 minutes Insect Drawings-10 minutes I Like Bugs- 10 minutes I Like Bugs- 10 minutes Puzzles-15 minutes Puzzles-15 minutes Materials: Writing papers, drawing paper, and puzzles Resources: I Like Bugs & Homework Curriculum Page
Time Frames Day 4-45 minutes: Helpful/harmful insects discussion-10 minutes Helpful/harmful insects discussion-10 minutes Watch What Are Insects ? on SMART Board Watch What Are Insects ? on SMART Board Kidspiration Habitat Activity-25 minutes in computer lab Kidspiration Habitat Activity-25 minutes in computer lab Materials: SMART Board & Computer Lab Resources: What Are Insects?, Kidspiration Activity, & Homework Curriculum Page Day 5-60 minutes: Review KWL Chart-10 minutes Review KWL Chart-10 minutes Final reading of I Like Bugs- 10 minutes Final reading of I Like Bugs- 10 minutes Poll & discussion of changes-10 minutes Poll & discussion of changes-10 minutes Closure & discussion-5 minutes Closure & discussion-5 minutes Unit Test on insects-25 minutes Unit Test on insects-25 minutes Materials: KWL chart, 1 st poll, unit tests Resources: I Like Bugs & Homework Curriculum Page
Assessment Diagnostic Assessment:Diagnostic Assessment: KWL Chart on the students knowledge of insects.KWL Chart on the students knowledge of insects. Poll of students likes/dislikes of insectsPoll of students likes/dislikes of insects Large group discussion of insectsLarge group discussion of insects Day 1 Formative Assessment:Formative Assessment: Interactive PPT game (Objectives 1 & 2)Interactive PPT game (Objectives 1 & 2) Insect Classification ActivityInsect Classification Activity Life cycle booklet (Objective 1)Life cycle booklet (Objective 1) Day 2 Formative Assessment:Formative Assessment: “Insects are...” Sentences (Objective 5)“Insects are...” Sentences (Objective 5) Insect Jigsaw Anatomy Puzzles (Objective 2)Insect Jigsaw Anatomy Puzzles (Objective 2) Day 3 Formative Assessment:Formative Assessment: Large group discussion of helpful and harmful insects (Objective 2)Large group discussion of helpful and harmful insects (Objective 2) Kidspiration Activity (Objectives 1&3) RUBRICKidspiration Activity (Objectives 1&3) RUBRICRUBRIC Day 4 Summative Assessment:Summative Assessment: Review KWL Chart (Objectives 1-5)Review KWL Chart (Objectives 1-5) Unit Test on insects (Objectives 1-4) RUBRICUnit Test on insects (Objectives 1-4) RUBRICRUBRIC Day 5
Kidspiration Activity Rubric CriteriaYesNoComments All insects were correctly classified with habitats. Student classified at least 10 different types of insects. Each habitat matched at least 1 insect. Student was able to apply the information learned from the film All About Insects. Student was able to correctly use and manipulate a computer in order to complete the assignment. Assignment was completed.
Insect Unit Test Rubric Criteria/Test Sections1-5Comments Insect Anatomy & Terminology Insect Life Cycles & Terminology Insect Habitats Insect Classification Helpful/Harmful Insects
Credits Google ImagesGoogle Images Microsoft PPTMicrosoft PPT