First Analysis of the Nares Strait CT-String Data Berit Rabe & Helen Johnson.


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Presentation transcript:

First Analysis of the Nares Strait CT-String Data Berit Rabe & Helen Johnson

x o 6/8 CT-moorings recovered (each with 4 SBE37) 2 missing ones are assumed to be lost, no signal KS03: pressure sensor at 200dbar no data, but additional pressure sensor at 80dbar All other ones: complete 3-year record 109m

SBE37 Mooring Design: Depth of instruments: 30m, 80m, 130m, 200m Pressure sensors at upper and lower instrument Flexible, made for bending due to icebergs

First evaluation of pressure data: Example: Pressure data KS05 upper instrument Red: original data Blue: 5 day low-pass filtered data Yellow: mean Green: standard deviation Time [days since 01/01/2003] Pressure [dbar]

Mean and standard deviation for low-pass filtered data Higher variability at 30m than at 200m as expected If pressure difference higher than  0.5dbar before and after deployment exponential fit was used KS01KS03KS05KS07KS09KS13 mean std mean std

TS diagrams for KS01 and KS13 upper instruments as a function of depth. KS01 KS13

Upper level: seasonal cycle, lowest salinity in summer Deepening of isohalines towards Ellesmere Island at 80 and 130dbar 3 year salinity time series

Obvious seasonal variability, vertical instrument excursion and transient events... Was winter 2003 anomalous? 3 year temperature time series

KS01 KS03 KS05 KS07 KS09 KS13 Mean S for each depth bin (when instrument is there!) Upper 2 3 Lower * x Salinity Profiles

KS01 KS03 KS05 KS07 KS09 KS13 Mean T for each depth bin (when instrument is there!) Upper 2 3 Lower * x Temperature Profiles

KS01 - CTD 2003 KS03 KS05 KS07 KS09 KS13 - CTD CTD 2006 (dashed) Two tidal cycles.... Upper 2 3 Lower * x Salinity - Julian Day 220, with 2003 and 2006 CTD profiles

KS01 - CTD 2003 KS03 KS05 KS07 KS09 KS13 - CTD CTD 2006 (dashed) Two tidal cycles.... Upper 2 3 Lower * x Temperature - Julian Day 220, with 2003 and 2006 CTD profiles

What next?! Remaining calibration issues. Plot some sections - “snapshots” in time and mean picture in any given season. Look at particular events (and their signature in ADCP and IPS data too). Quantify changes in baroclinic transport on various timescales (and examine their causes). Lots lots more.....!