BLUElink Update IGST X 14-16 November 2005 U.K. Met Office, Exeter Andreas Schiller CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Hobart, Australia N. R. Smith.


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Presentation transcript:

BLUElink Update IGST X November 2005 U.K. Met Office, Exeter Andreas Schiller CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Hobart, Australia N. R. Smith BMRC Melbourne, Australia

Contents 1)Reanalysis (BRAN) 2)Nested-Relocatable System (ROAM) 3)Global System: Operational Implementation 4)GODAE Metrics 5)BLUElink II and Associated Activities (ACCESS, AusIOOS, etc.)

Model Summary OFAM: Ocean Forecasting Australia Model Global model with eddy resolving resolution in Asian- Australian region MOM4 (GFDL) - Z coord./Free Surface - Hybrid Chen mixed-layer model - Quicker Advection Scheme - Smagorinsky viscosity parameter. (anisotropic) - isopycnal mixing and GM param.(anisotropic) - No ice model (later) - No river runoff (later) Eddy-resolving (1/10°) km from 75ºS to 16°N, 90ºE to 180ºE -47 levels (35 in top 1000m) - Relaxation to CARS and Levitus WOA (T,S) below 2000m (250 days) -6-hourly ECMWF (ERA-40 and/or operational fields) - Plus relaxation to SST and SSS BODAS: Bluelink Ocean Data Assimilation System - Ensemble Optimal Interpolation - 11 days data window in RA mode - Along-track SLA (T/P, ERS, GFO, Jason-1, Envisat) - Sea-level anomaly from all Australian coastal tide gauges - Assimilation of SST (AMSR-E, ATSR,AVHRR) - CTD and bottle profiles from ARGO, WOCE, TAO, and other regional experiments - XBT profiles from WOCE & IOTA - MSSH from data (diagnostic model run with strong nudging towards Levitus WOA)

Global Ocean Reanalysis: BLUElink Reanalysis: BRAN-1

Surface Eddy Kinetic Energy: January Altimetry Model

% EKE of Total Kinetic Energy JanuaryJuly

Intraseasonal Kelvin The great 97/98 El Niño Courtesy A.L. Gordon Makassar Strait Moorings Courtesy A.L. Gordon

Top-Bottom Volume Transports ( ) South China Sea:-1.7 ± 3.3 Sv Makassar Strait:-8.3 ± 4.5 Sv Maluku Sea: +3.5 ± 5.8 Sv Halmahera:-4.2 ± 5.5 Sv Torres Strait: -1.0 ± 1.2 Sv Timor Sea: -6.7 ± 4.2 Sv Ombai Strait: -2.1 ± 2.1Sv Lombok Strait:-3.0 ± 2.2 Sv Sunda Strait:-0.5 ± 0.45 Sv Malakka Strait:+0.3 ± 0.3 Total ITF (Indian Ocean)-12.9 ± 6.1Sv

(Ffield et al., 2000) ObservationsReanalysis Makassar Strait: Temperature Section 1997/1998

Reanalysis XBT Section PX34: Geostrophic (0-2000db) & Ekman Transports Observations Reanalysis (3-monthly filtered) Reanalysis (weekly ave.) TOTAL Transport

Relocatable Ocean Atmosphere Model (ROAM): GUI

Relocatable Ocean Atmosphere Model (ROAM)

System Components of OceanMAPS

Phase 1: InfrastructureJun05-Dec05 Analysis cycle (Jun-Sep) IT Software, Resource plan (Jun-Sep) Implementation workshop (Sep/Oct) Implementation Plan (Oct) Forecast cycle (Oct-Dec) Phase 2: Tuning Jan06-Jun06 Robust configuration Hindcast trials QC real-time observations Analysis and Forecast GASP SX6 operation configuration Scheduling Extended configuration Phase 3: Monitoring Jun06-Dec06 Static configuration Transition to operational infrastructure Routine diagnostics Validation/skill assessment Documentation Transition to NMOC Global System: OceanMAPS Operational Implementation

Summary: BLUElink Integrated reanalyses of the ocean state over the last 13 Integrated reanalyses of the ocean state over the last 13 years. Public access now available for registered users: years. Public access now available for registered users: Global Operational Outputs and Regional (shelf-scale) Global Operational Outputs and Regional (shelf-scale) Relocatable Nested System (all available by 2006/07): Relocatable Nested System (all available by 2006/07):  7-28 days forecasts (global, BoM),  3+ days (regional, RAN),  Prognostic variables: SSH; 3-D ocean temperature, salinity and currents salinity and currents

BLUElink II ( ): BLUElink II ( ): Higher resolution models and improved physics:  global  coastal  littoral zone river discharge, tidal focing  river discharge, tidal focing Improved global analysis and prediction system (towards Improved global analysis and prediction system (towards Ensemble Kalman Filter): Ensemble Kalman Filter):  full SST assimilation  improved anomalies, error statistics Downscaling: relocatable, fully coupled regional ocean- Downscaling: relocatable, fully coupled regional ocean- atmosphere model with limited DA capability atmosphere model with limited DA capability (1/8)º min (1/16)º

GODAE Intercomparison Project GODAE Intercomparison Project

Thank You!

Surface Transports 0-100m & Mean Kinetic Energy: JulyJanuary Integrated Transports in 1º x 1º bins10 Sv

BODAS: An Ensemble-based Optimal Interpolation System

Sustainability of Satellites QuikSCAT Microwave SST ? Altimetry Ocean color