Different Landforms
Types of Landforms 1. Mountain 6. Lake 2. Valley 7. Bay 3. Plain 8. Basin 4. Plateau 9. Desert 5. Island 10. River
mountain A mountain is a place on Earth’s surface that is much higher than the land around it.
valley A valley is a low area between higher lands such as mountains.
plain A plain is a flat area on Earth’s surface.
plateau A plateau is a flat area higher than the land around it.
Bay A bay is part of an ocean or a lake partially enclosed by land.
Basin A basin is an extent or an area of land where surface water from rain and melting snow or ice converges to a single point.
ocean Oceans are the largest bodies of water on earth.
coast A coast is the area where the ocean touches the land.
desert A desert is a hot dry place with little or no rain.
river A river is a long flowing body of water.
Delta A delta is a triangular area of land formed from deposits at the mouth of the river.
Straight A straight is a narrow strip of water connecting two large bodies of water.
An isthmus is a narrow strip of land connecting to larger land areas.
A gulf is a large bay that is an arm of an ocean or sea.
Peninsula A peninsula is a piece of land that is bordered by water on three sides
Now let’s review! Write only the number of the question and the letter of the answer.
1. A _________ is water with land all around it. Ocean Island Lake Hint
2. What is the largest body of water on Earth? Ocean Lake River Hint
3. A _______ is higher than the land around it. Island Mountain Valley Hint
4. What is a flowing body of water? Plateau Lake River Hint
5. I am land and have water all around me. What am I? Island Coast Desert Hint
6. Location tells us A. Where it is B. What it’s like when I get there C. What famous people live there
7. Place tells us the latitude and longitude of a place What the area looks like, what the culture is like there, climate, landforms, etc. what the address is
8. Region tells us What famous people live in a given city What the weather is like over time in a given place What different areas have in common like climate or language or religion
9. An example of Human environment interaction would be Creating a drinking reservoir by damming a river A map of the stars’ homes Why people all over the world wear blue jeans
10. An example of movement would be Water carving a canyon over time Refugees coming to the U.S. to find safety and bringing their culture with them The fact that we live in a hot place with lots of oak trees
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