General Assembly Meeting – SA Session | Crete Oct SA 1.1 FRAM – FRAM STRAIT, ARCTIC: PHYSICAL OCEAN PROPERTIES Ocean and Climate SA starting date: month 13 Scientific contact person: Ursula Schauer, Benjamin Rabe Data manager: Wilken-Jon von Appen Physical Oceanography division FixO3 Service Activity information
General Assembly Meeting – SA Session | Crete Oct Products offered by SA1.1 Product examples Long-term time series of physical ocean raw data are provided as input for assimilation models and for the validation of ocean GCMs temperature, conductivity and O2 over the entire water column at km station distance along 79°N datasets uploaded to PANGAEA (available) direct links to datasets will be provided for FixO3 web-portal (prepared) ready to use data products (prepared) upload of datasets to EMECO (prepared) FRAM STRAIT, ARCTIC: PHYSICAL OCEAN PROPERTIES
General Assembly Meeting – SA Session | Crete Oct SA 1.2 FRAM – FRAM STRAIT, ARCTIC: TIME SERIES ON MEGAFAUNA DENSITY AND DIVERSITY Ecosystem function and Biodiversity SA starting date: month 13 Scientific contact person: Antje Boetius, Melanie Bergmann Data manager: Ingo Schewe deep see ecology and technology division FixO3 Service Activity information
General Assembly Meeting – SA Session | Crete Oct Products offered by SA1.2 Product examples Long-term time series of seafloor community data can be used to assess the impact of ocean changes data of total megafaunal abundance, diversity and composition as well as their changes over time are provided derived from sea-floor images direct links to datasets and products will be provided for FixO3 web- portal (prepared) TIME SERIES ON MEGAFAUNA DENSITY AND DIVERSITY
General Assembly Meeting – SA Session | Crete Oct Products offered by SA1.2 Product examples picture sets uploaded to PANGAEA and Biigle (available) TIME SERIES ON MEGAFAUNA DENSITY AND DIVERSITY
General Assembly Meeting – SA Session | Crete Oct Products offered by SA1.2 Product examples ready to use data products (prepared) upload of datasets to EMECO (prepared) TIME SERIES ON MEGAFAUNA DENSITY AND DIVERSITY