Created by Cyber Ambassador, Grant
Geometry- the branch of mathematics that deals with lines, angles, surfaces, solids, and their measurement. In this presentation I will tell you about angles, points, lines, rays, planes, line segments, and shapes.
There are three different kinds of angles. They are right angles, acute angles, and obtuse angles. Here are some... Right Angle (90 degrees) Acute Angle(less than 90 degrees) Obtuse Angle(more than 90 degrees)
A polygon is a shape that has three to ten sides. - Triangles have 3 sides - Squares and quadrilaterals have 4 sides - Pentagons have 5 sides - Hexagons have 6 sides - Octagons have 8 sides - Decagons have 10 sides
point- an exact location in space named with a capital letter line- a continuing strait line named by two points ray- a part of a line having one endpoint and extending endlessly in one direction, named by the endpoint and any other of its points plane- an endless flat surface, named by any three of its points line segment- a part of line named by two endpoints
There are three kinds of lines they are parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular. Parallel lines are lines that never cross. Intersecting lines are lines that cross. Perpendicular lines are lines like intersecting lines they cross but when they cross they form a right angle( 90 degrees). Intersecting Perpendicular Parallel
There are three kinds of triangles these are scalene, equilateral, isosceles, and right triangles. Equilateral triangles are congruent on all sides. Scalene triangles are different lengths on all sides. Isosceles triangles have exactly two equal sides. Right triangles have a 90 degrees corner on one side. EquilateralIsoscelesRightScalene
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