Détente I.Détente II.Triangulation III.Arms Control IV.Ostpolitik V.The Helsinki Process VI.The Challenge to Détente
I. Détente
II. Triangulation
Taiwan Strait
Richard M. Nixon and Mao Zedong
III. Arms Control
Leonid Brezhnev and President Richard M. Nixon
LandSeaAir U.S. U.S.S.R. 1,000 1,
IV. Ostpolitik
Charles de Gaulle
Willy Brandt
V. The “Helsinki Process”
The Helsinki Conference
Helsinki Conference, 1975 Basket I -- non-interference in internal affairs -- European borders were inviolable
Helsinki Conference, 1975 Basket I -- non-interference in internal affairs -- European borders were inviolable Basket II -- cooperation on trade, technology -- increased cultural exchanges
Helsinki Conference, 1975 Basket I -- non-interference in internal affairs -- European borders were inviolable Basket II -- cooperation on trade, technology -- increased cultural exchanges Basket III -- respect for human rights -- free exchange of ideas -- free movement of peoples
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)
VI. The Challenge to Détente
Paul Nitze
Dick CheneyDonald Rumsfeld
Ronald Reagan
George H.W. Bush
Henry “Scoop” Jackson