Ferdinand Magellan Group 3
Background He was born in 1480 in Portugal. He was the youngest of three children. The Magellan's were also related to Portugal’s royalty! He started school when he was 7.
Country explored for Ferdinand Magellan was looking for a westward route to the Spice Islands. The San Antonio, Trinidad, Conception, Victoria, and Santiago Ferdinand Magellan was looking for a westward route to the Spice Islands. The San Antonio, Trinidad, Conception, Victoria, and Santiago
Goals of exploration He discovered the Magellan Strait in November 21
Discoveries Strait of Magellan Magellanic Penguins Strait of Magellan Magellanic Penguins
Impact he had on the new world Magellan was opening trade routes for explorers and supported that the world was round.
Tools used for exploration Sextant, Compass, and Astrolabe
Other accomplishments He died during the exploration but his crew finished and returned back to Spain.
Map of Exploration
Date of death April 27,1521 On Mactan Island