Samburu and Marsabit Counties By: Adan Abdi 4 th December 2014 CfP KRDP I Progress Report
Samburu County Project Start up 1 Technical working group to support in the implementation of the project successfully formed; ToR developed; TWG engaged in project implementation. 1 LCB (SIDEP) identified; engaged and contract signed 1 Partnership agreements signed with the County Governments of Samburu 2
Samburu County-Progress Result Area I- Fodder Production and Marketing 2 Baseline Studies Conducted. The studies were on fodder production and marketing, Steer fattening and marketing 4 Fodder producing and marketing groups were successfully engaged to undertake fodder production with a total of 100 acres put under fodder. Onsite training on conservation, management, harvesting, storage for the fodder groups with total membership of 150 done Construction of 2 fodder stores at Silango and Lopesiwo in Samburu County completed and handing over done 18 bailing boxes made and distributed to the fodder producing and marketing groups in the Counties of Samburu and Marsabit. 2 livestock fattening groups identified and engaged for linkage to livestock fattening operations/enterprises. 3
Samburu County-Progress Result Area III- Livestock Markets Training Need Assessment conducted for 5 livestock market management 5 livestock market management with a total membership of 64 members engaged and trained 5 Onsite coaching and mentoring sessions conducted for all the 5 livestock market LMAs in the County of Samburu Increase in revenue base and efficiency in market operations evident after the capacity building processes. E.g. Lekuru Revenue rose from kshs. 200 to kshs. 35, Sensitization meetings to introduce the concept of livestock markets co-management model were conducted. 4
Samburu County-Progress Cont.. 25 LMA members from 5 livestock market in the County of Samburu exposed and trained on market management, operations and linkages made with other market actors at the terminal market. 5 Livestock Market Monitors identified and engaged in the County; Lolkuniani, Lengusaka, Ilpus, Lekuru and Tanagr Received market information is being tabulated and data base created for each livestock market Terms of Reference for engagement of local radio station in the County of Samburu for dissemination of livestock market information developed and shared with the potential station 5
Samburu County-Progress Cont.. Construction of 2 livestock markets at Lengusaka and Tangar completed; handing over done and agreement signed Market Repair at Lolkuniani livestock market completed & handed over Increased in cess/revenue collection and accountability through record keeping and book keeping was evident in the livestock markets. Livestock policy/strategy development processes initiated in the County. Increased market participation- 2,650 weekly- translating to 10,600 monthly. 6
Pictorial Evidence 7
8 Graph showing supply and demand of Goats at Lolkuniani livestock market
Marsabit County Project Start up 1 Technical working group to support in the implementation of the project successfully formed; ToR developed; TWG engaged in project implementation. 2 LCBs (PACIDA and CIFA) identified; engaged and contract signed 1 Partnership agreements signed with the County Governments of Marsabit 9
Marsabit County Result Area I- Fodder Production and Marketing 5 Fodder producing and marketing groups were successfully engaged to undertake fodder production with a total of 112 acres put under fodder. Onsite training on conservation, management, harvesting, storage for the fodder groups with total membership of 481 done 2,588 hay bales harvested in the County of Marsabit increasing access and availability of fodder for over 2,500 livestock keepers in the County. KES 353,100 Income for the fodder groups in Marsabit from the sale of fodder Provision of Income and Employment for over 228HHs Construction of 2 fodder stores at Badasa and Karbururi in Marsabit County completed and handing over done 35 bailing boxes made and distributed to the fodder producing and marketing groups 2 fodder groups (Badasa, Karbururi) identified and engaged for linkage to livestock fattening operations. 10
Fodder Data Marsabit Fodder Group Number of Bales harvested 1st harvest Number of Bales harvested 2nd harvest Total Bales harvested Total No. of bales Sold Price per bale Total Income (KES) Badasa ,200 Hurri Hills , ,300 Kalacha ,100 Karbururi ,500 Totals8271,7612,5881, ,100 11
Pictorial Evidence 12Title
Marsabit County Progress Result Area III- Livestock Marketing Training Need Assessment conducted for 3 livestock market management 3 livestock market management with a total membership of 45 members engaged and trained 3 Onsite coaching and mentoring sessions conducted for all the 3 livestock market LMAs Increase in revenue base and efficiency in market operations evident after the capacity building processes. 13
Marsabit County Progress 6 Sensitization meetings to introduce the concept of livestock markets co-management model were conducted 1 Co-management MoUs covering 15 livestock markets signed with County Government of Marsabit 1 livestock market platform facilitated between the County Government of Marsabit, Livestock market management and other livestock market stakeholders 8 Livestock markets released to for implementation of the co- management model 14
Marsabit County Progress 3 Livestock Market Monitors identified and engaged in the County; Merille, Moyale and Turbi in Marsabit County Received market information is being tabulated and data base created for each livestock market Market Repair at Merille livestock market completed and handing over done Increased in cess/revenue collection and accountability through record keeping and book keeping was evident both at Merille market. 1 LMA (Moyale) engaged and trained. Process of Proposal development on going with support from the TWG members 15